QUEERDOM: Researching queer domesticities and intimacies in Norway 1842–1972

The research project QUEERDOM will investigate how women and men with same-sex desires – about whom we use the term ‘queer’ – lived and organized their everyday lives across a complex domestic terrain in ways that unsettles customary understandings of private life and family organization in modern Norway (1842–1972). These ‘queer domesticities’ will be investigated through the intersecting lenses of time, space, class, and gender.

One of our central hypothesis is that it was not until after WWII that Norway became truly immersed in the increasingly universal modern discourse on ‘sexuality’.

QUEERDOM shifts the focus of queer historical research firmly from the global metropolises to rural regions of Europe, from the cities to the rural districts, from the courtrooms and asylums to the mundane and everyday, and from activism to domesticity and intimacy. The project will highlight the changing dynamics of societal norms and expectations, change and stability, processes of exclusion as well as of inclusion through the period 1842–1972.

Read more about the research project here.

Artefacta conference: Call for papers

Arbetsgruppen för nätverket Artefacta efterlyser nu abstrakt för konferensen som ordnas i Åbo 16-17 februari 2023. Temat för konferensen är Agens (i alla tänkbara former) i den materiella världen. Konferensen ordnas som samarbete mellan Åbo Universitet och Åbo Akademi. Deadline för CFP 4 september 2022.

Keynotes av:
Prof. Tine Damsholt, University of Copenhagen
Prof. Bjørnar Olsen, University of Tromsø

Även studenter, t.ex. graduskribenter kan delta i egna rundabordsdiskussioner (kolla närmare i CFP).

Webbsidor: https://sites.utu.fi/artefacta2023

Hela Call for Papers samt  och inskickning av abstrakt på:

Postdoktorer i kulturhistoriska perspektiv vid Lunds Universitet

Flera postdoc-tjänster utlyses i kulturhistoriska perspektiv vid Lunds universitet. Ur annonsen:

”Lunds universitet ledigkungör härmed tre två-åriga anställningar som postdoktor i kulturhistoriska perspektiv, en med inriktning mot medier, en med inriktning mot estetiska studier samt en med inriktning mot kunskaps- och vetenskapsstudier, alla med placering vid Institutionen för kulturvetenskaper”

Läs mer här.

Sista ansökningsdag: 31 augusti 2022


Why (queer) History Matters. The Politics of History. International, interdisciplinary conference, Bergen 29–30 August 2022.

Why (queer) History Matters. The Politics of History.
International, interdisciplinary conference, Bergen 29–30 August 2022.

Neglect and erasure of queer history has been the norm in all national histories until quite recently. In this conference we address how this highly problematic practice of history can also enable the eradication of LGBT+ rights in contemporary societies. For, in some places LGBT communities are seen as a national threat while in others, homo-tolerance is instrumentalized to build national self-identity. In both cases, interest in and knowledge of queer history is usually absent. In this conference we therefore ask: How are national histories cleansed of unwanted elements? What role does ignorance and censorship play? Can the lack of knowledge of queer history be fundamental to contemporary oppression of queers? If so, what can be done to preserve and disseminate queer histories?

In this conference we will be offered reflections and examples on how and why queer history matters in different contexts. Norway officially opened its national queer archive in Bergen in 2015, and queer cultural history is slowly starting to appear as a legitimate academic field in line with other academic fields of research also in Norway.

It is also possible to register to follow the conference online.


Associate professor in Cultural Studies at University of Bergen

Permanent position as associate professor of cultural studies (kulturvitenskap) in Bergen. The applicant must have research competence in sustainability and perceptions of nature, with a focus on cultural historical perspectives on the uses of natural resources, for instance traditional agriculture, land use, human-animal relationships, or notions of how traditional agriculture inspires contemporary phenomena such as urban gardening, community-supported agriculture and sharing economy.

Please read more here

Deadline for your application:  28th August 2022

Nordic Cooperation in Ethnology and Folklore: Discussion Meeting at NEFC

Next week we will attend the Nordic Ethnology and Folklore Conference in Reykjavik. On Wednesday 15 June we will discuss Nordic cooperation in ethnology and folklore.

Continuing where we left off at the last NEFC in Uppsala we invite all interested to discuss both existing and future Nordic collaboration, networks, journals and conferences. The brand-new Nordic Portal for Ethnology and Folklore will be presented as an example of such collaboration.

If you are attending the conference, please feel welcome to join!

Wednesday June 15, 13:30-14:30
RE:22 Nordic Ethnology and Folklore Conference
Room H-205