Kategoriarkiv: Doktorandkurser
PhD course: Academic writing as genre and method in Cultural Sciences, 7.5 credits, spring 2025
In spring 2025 Historical Studies at Södertörn University offer a PhD course on academic writing: Academic writing as genre and method in Cultural Sciences, 7.5 credits.
Course description: Through practical exercises and assignments, this course aims to develop the participants’ academic writing skills. Here writing is considered a central part of qualitative scholarly work, both in relation to the process and text production. Questions about the importance of writing both as a method and as a form of presentation are addressed in relation to knowledge production in cultural sciences. The course deals with central currents of thought on academic writing and uses participants own writing project as a point of departure for both reflection and practice. It runs at a pace of 25% throughout the spring semester and consists of monthly meetings and online seminars.
Registration is continuous. Please contact Kim.silow.kallenberg(at)sh.se.
Extended information about the course:
Entry requirements
Admitted to doctoral studies
Learning outcomes
After completing the course, the doctoral student is able to:
· critically examine and discuss the field of writing, text production and relevant genres within cultural sciences
· describe and discuss central aspects of the academic writing process with deeper insight
· demonstrate good knowledge of the relationship of writing to knowledge production in cultural sciences
· place their own and others’ writing in a scholarly context and reflect on the importance of writing as part of methodological and analytical work
· apply the theoretical and practical knowledge gained during the course in their own scholarly writing.
Course content, modules and examinations
The course aims to develop participants’ academic writing through practical exercises and assignments. A starting point for the course is that writing is a central part of scientific work in relation to qualitative methods. Questions about the importance of writing both as a method and as a form of production are addressed in relation to knowledge production in cultural sciences. The course deals with some central currents of thought on academic writing.
Course design
Teaching takes place in the form of lectures and seminars as well as oral and written exercises.
The course is examined through written and oral seminar assignments, active participation in the seminar discussions and a final home exam. Active attendance at seminars, completed seminar assignments and a written home exam are required to pass the course. A maximum of one seminar can be compensated with other assignments.
The grading criteria are distributed prior to the start of a course or module.
If a student has a certificate from Södertörn University for compensatory support, the examiner has the right to decide on an adapted examination or alternative form of examination in accordance with Södertörn University’s regulations.
Restrictions on accreditation
The course may not be accredited as part of a degree if the contents are partly or wholly the same as a course previously taken in Sweden or elsewhere.
IMISCOE PhD School ”Developing a sensory methodology in migration studies”
Applications for the 2025 IMISCOE PhD School at IGOT-ULisboa are now open !
We are thrilled to announce that the 2025 IMISCOE PhD School ”Developing a sensory methodology in migration studies” will take place at the Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning (IGOT) at the University of Lisbon from the 25th to the 29th of August 2025.
For the 2025 edition of the IMISCOE PhD school, we aim at training PhD candidates and early career researchers affiliated at institutions around the world to develop visual and sensory methodologies in migration research. The aim is to provide a full package of knowledge on research planning using visual and sensory methods, including a critical analysis of the epistemological foundations of research methodology, the ontological status of produced and existing images, ethical manifesto, techniques for disseminating research conclusions and generating impact, and the selection of appropriate tools for collecting data.
Deadline for application submissions: 20 December 2024
PhD Course: Political Discourse Theory in Cultural Analysis and Social Science 7,5 HP (ECTS)
Historical Studies at the School of Historical and Contemporary Studies at Södertörn University, Stockholm, announces the following PhD course to be taught from 2 October 2024 to 19 January 2025: Political Discourse Theory in Cultural Analysis and Social Science 7,5 HP (ECTS)
Read more about the course here
Last day to apply for the course: 15 September 2024
Nationell doktorandkurs i etnologi ht 2024: Narrativ som praktik (7,5 hp)
En nationell doktorandkurs i etnologi ordnas hösten 2024 av Institutionen för kulturantropologi och etnologi, Uppsala universitet. Språket är svenska.
Kortfattad information om kursen:
Utgångspunkten i denna kurs är att narrativ utgör en praktik bland andra i det som konstituerar vår levda verklighet. Eftersom detta innebär att narrativ ofrånkomligt sammanflätas med andra praktiker, är dessa inte möjliga att förstå utan att samtidigt ta hänsyn till narrativen, och tvärtom. Kursen är huvudsakligen praktiskt inriktad och syftar till att ge doktoranden verktyg för att begreppsliggöra, operationalisera och reflektera över narrativ och narrativ teori som en del av sin egen forskningspraktik.
19/9 2024 kl. 13.15–16.00: Introduktion och föreläsning med Jakob Löfgren: Positionering och qualia
20/9 kl. 9.15–12.00: Seminarium
18/10 kl. 9.15–12.00: Seminarium (arbetsseminarium). Via Zoom
22/11 kl. 9.15–12.00: Föreläsning med Camilla Asplund Ingemark: Identitet och small stories. Via Zoom
15/1 2025 kl. 9.15–16.00: Seminarium med presentationer (samkörning med etnologiska forskarseminariet vid UU och inbjudna gäster).
Sista anmälningsdag 15 augusti. För anmälan och mer information, kontakta kursansvariga:
Birgitta Meurling Birgitta.Meurling(at)etnologi.uu.se
Camilla Asplund Ingemark camillaasplundingemark(at)etnologi.uu.se
Course: More-Than-Human Humanities
This four-day PhD course, hosted by the Department of Archaeology, History, Cultural Studies and Religion at University of Bergen, explores the various challenges of, and opportunities for, working with more-than-human. In lectures, seminars, discussions, a museum tour and an experimental walk, we will examine the more-than-human through themes of aquatic environments, the supernatural and methodologies for environmental humanities research.
Application deadline: 30 June 2024
PhD candidates from any country and any discipline are welcome to apply.
Digital Research: Methods and Perspectives in the Humanities and Social Science, 7.5 credits
Humlab and DIGSUM at Umeå University invite PhD students to take part in our PhD course Digital Research (7.5 credits). The course runs, in hybrid format (online and on location in Umeå), February and March 2024. Note! You must have approval from your main supervisor in order to attend the course.
The course gives an orientation in digital research within the humanities and social sciences. This orientation is broad, and deals with digital research methods and tools, as well as with issues relating to the digitalisation of society and culture as objects of study. The first part of the course introduces a set of methods and brings attention to issues of digital research ethics, while the second part consists of a number of topical applications. The course is a collaboration between Humlab and Centre for Digital Social Research, DIGSUM.
Last day to register is 10 January 2024.
DASH – forskarskola inom digital humaniora
Ansökan öppen till DASH – forskarskola inom digital humaniora. DASH riktar sig till doktorander inom humaniora och samhällsvetenskap som ännu inte har några särskilda kunskaper eller färdigheter inom digital forskning, men som är intresserade av att lära sig mer för att kunna tillämpa detta i sitt framtida avhandlingsarbete. Sista ansökningsdag är den 10 juni 2023.
Nationell doktorandkurs i etnologi: Etnologiskt skrivande som genre och metod
I höst anordnar Södertörns högskola den nationella doktorandkursen i etnologi på tema skrivande. Det kommer bli ett utrymme för diskussioner om andras skrivande och vad andra tänkt om skrivande, såväl som om den egna skrivpraktiken. Det teoretiska och praktiska kommer att blandas genom att flera moment tar formen av workshops och praktiska övningar.
Kortfattad info om kursen:
”Etnologiskt skrivande som genre och metod”, 7,5 hp.
Kursen syftar till att utveckla deltagarnas akademiska skrivande genom praktiska övningar och uppgifter. En utgångspunkt för kursen är att skrivande är en central del av det vetenskapliga arbetet i relation till kvalitativa metoder. Frågor om vilken betydelse skrivandet har både som metod och som framställningsform adresseras i relation till etnologi som vetenskapligt ämne. I kursen behandlas några centrala tankeströmningar om akademiskt skrivande, framför allt med utgångspunkt i etnologisk, antropologisk och feministisk tradition.
Kursen kommer att ges på svenska eller engelska beroende på vilka som söker den.
Preliminärt schema:
21-22 september (lunch-till-lunch). Kursintroduktion och undervisning på plats på Södertörns högskola. Gemensam middag den 21/9.
20 oktober (9-12) digital träff.
24 november (9-12) digital träff.
10 januari (heldag). Avslutande träff på plats på Södertörns högskola.
Vid frågor eller anmälan kontakta: kim.silow.kallenberg(@)sh.se