Kategoriarkiv: Event

Seminar: Mapping the field – Ethnologists, anthropologists and folklorists in education and learning 31 May 2024

Invitation to the seminar “Mapping the field – Ethnologists, anthropologists
and folklorists in education and learning”
SIEF Working Group Cultural Perspectives on Education and Learning

Date & Time: Friday May 31st, 2024, 1:00-3:00 PM CET.
Place: Digital seminar, on Zoom

The newly established SIEF Working Group Cultural Perspectives on Education and Learning is welcoming you to its first seminar. The main idea of this first seminar is to map the field and get a better view of ethnological, anthropological and folkloristic research on education and learning, both within formal education such as schools, pre-schools and higher education, and within informal education taking place for instance in museums, archives and organizations.

Read more here

SIEF Summer School

SIEF Summer School 2024
Postscapes Matter – SIEF Summer School 2024, 23 – 27 September, Zagreb, Croatia

The SIEF Summer School 2024 explores how and why postscapes matter; as a lived experience, a historical or temporal condition and as a conceptual tool or a way of knowing. We invite our participants to consider: What comes after post-? What is left of post-, as a concept? Why is it still important to think in terms of diverse postscapes?
We think of, along, and with different and multiple post-s: post-modernity, post-capitalism, postsocialism, post-industrial, post-political, post-city. Our world is post-factual and post-critical, postliberal, post-democratic. We are entangled in post-catastrophic, post-epidemic, and post-crisis, postconflict issues.

Read more here

Tidsligheter (2024)

I Tidsligheter vrider och vänder tretton forskare från Finland och Sverige på begreppet tid i barn- och ungdomslitteratur. Här analyseras bland annat berättelser om städning, klimatkrisens avtryck, tidsmarkörer i Greta Thunbergs mem, temat tid i litteraturundervisningen och bilderböcker som utmanar vuxenvärldens punktlighet.

Bokens redaktörer är Mia Österlund, Ann-Charlotte Palmgren och Pia Ahlbäck. Omslag: Jenny Lucander.

Köp boken i din närmaste bokhandel eller läs e-boken gratis på sls.fi: https://www.sls.fi/publications/tidsligheter/

Lanseringsevent 26 mars på riddaregatan i Helsingfors:

Tidsligheter och ekokritik i barnlitteratur

Public defence with Paul Sherfey: Cultivating Responsible Citizenship: Collective Gardens at the Periphery of Neoliberal Urban Norms (2024)

Paul Sherfey defends his thesis ”Cultivating Responsible Citizenship: Collective Gardens at the Periphery of Neoliberal Urban Norms”

When? 22 March 2024 15:00-17:00

Doctoral thesis: ”Cultivating Responsible Citizenship:
Collective Gardens at the Periphery of Neoliberal Urban Norms”
Research area: Historical Studies
Research school: The Baltic and East European Graduate School (BEEGS)
External reviewer: Katarina Saltzman, docent in Ethnology , Institutionen för kulturvård, Göteborgs universitet
Language: English

As the growing human population becomes concentrated in urban environments across the globe, these environments have increased in both overall population and population density (OECD, 2020). Consequently, political debates and social movements concerned with urban planning and land use have become ever more pertinent. One way of problematising and scrutinising dominant rationales of urban land use is to examine in them in relation to activism and collective action by which they are challenged.

Among the many such examples available are what proponents in some countries refer to as collective gardens, a subset of community gardens distinguishable by their explicit emphasis on collective management and publicly oriented educational and cultural programming – typically with an expressed intent or mission involving social change and environmental stewardship (cf. Rosol, 2006; Villace, Labajos, Aceituno-Mata et al., 2014). Geographically situated in social environments shaped by capitalism, they can be considered pericapitalist places, “simultaneously inside and outside capitalism” (Tsing, 2015, p. 63) to the extent that their use of urban land and collective forms of social organisation appear inconsistent with the proclivity towards privatization and a free-market economy characteristic of neoliberal capitalism (cf. Mouffe, 2018). Studying collective gardens in relation to neoliberal capitalism thus has implications for understanding how these places represent political forms of sensemaking, expressing grievances and demands that respond to the dominant political-economic context of contemporary urban life.

Based on this understanding, the aim in this study is to explore discourses about what collective gardens signify politically as places where alternative norms of urban life are nurtured. What sense of place can be understood to be nurtured in relation to collective gardens, and what does this convey about citizenship and experiences of urban life in the context of neoliberal capitalism? This question is investigated through the application of a political discourse framework, supplemented by discursive theories of aesthetics, narratives, and sensemaking to learn about the meanings attributed to collective gardens and how these are constituted in relation to their social contexts. The aesthetics of collective gardens are explored through multi-sited research undertaken at gardens across Germany and Sweden, in order to analyse how the materials and design of these gardens reimagine urban space.

The study then turns to individual case studies in both nations to explore a range of narratives – first to understand how the history of each garden sets up a problem that is solved by the establishment of the garden, and later to analyse how each garden is situated in discourses about contemporary urban development, as well as work and social life. Through these multiple perspectives on the construction of their meaning and relevance as places of political activity, the study offers an interpretation of how collective gardens represent a particular ethos of democratic citizenship through the social critiques being fostered in these places. Additionally, it provides an exploration of complex relationships and different interpretations of responsibility, whereby collective gardens can be seen to resist neoliberal capitalist rationalities while also fulfilling or contributing to their objectives.

Read more about the event here

The thesis can be found in diva-portal

Mythos as MythUS International Summer School

Mythos as MythUS International Summer School
Confronting and overcoming crises through myth and traditional narrative from antiquity to the present
When? June 24 – July 03 2024
Where? Athens & Antiparos island

The Mythos as MythUs summer school program studies myth and popular narrative, from antiquity to the present, as being humanity’s voice, long-shared, with which to respond to harsh realities; to times of crisis; and to distress that impacts entire communities. In such times of transition and upheaval myth and narrative serve to ameliorate the inimical stereotyping, bigoted notions, and segregation that these challenging circumstances inevitably bring. In its role of healing, narrative has been not just preserved but also transformed, in all its oral, written, digital, and, of late, even contemporary literary forms, not just in terms of its atavistic world of archaic symbolism but in fact most markedly through being called on in confronting, via poetic means, problems, ideas, and emotions that are communal as well as individual — as a result of which transformative therapeutic dimension, narrative continues to update, on an ongoing basis, in altogether dynamic ways.

This Summer School is a blended-learning program that consists of an online preparation class and a ten-day live attendance summer school of face-to-face classes in Athens as well as fieldwork on the island of Antiparos, Cyclades, and five group and/or guided tours in and around Attica and Athens.

The University of the Aegean will provide all participant students with a diploma supplement including their courses – seminars and credit points.

The Program is open to Bachelor’s, Master and PhD international students, as well as Greek Englishspeaking students, with an interest in myth and legend and their contemporary research and applications; of value for those with research and learning interests in Humanities and Social Sciences, especially but by no means exclusively, Classics, Folklore Studies, History, Literature, Psychology and Cultural Studies.

Read more and register here.


SLS Forskarträff: Forskarna och AI 30 november 2023

När? 30 november 2023 kl. 13:00 till 17:00 UTC+2
Var? Svenska litteratursällskapets hus Riddaregatan 5 00170 Helsingfors och Zoom

Artificiell intelligens intar vår vardag allt mer och är på allas läppar för närvarande. Hur inverkar AI på forskningen, vilka frågor måste forskare ta ställning till och hur kan forskarnas arbete påverkas?

Under SLS forskarträff belyses AI ur etiskt och juridiskt perspektiv, som teknikutveckling, som samhällsfenomen och som verktyg för forskare och för spridning av forskningsrön. Tyngdpunkten ligger på hur forskare och forskning inom humaniora och samhällsvetenskaper påverkas av AI.

Evenemanget riktar sig i första hand till forskare inom samhällsvetenskaper och humaniora, men även andra intresserade kan delta. Även möjlighet att delta via Zoom, du får länken till sändningen i bekräftelsen efter att du anmält dig.

Evenemanget är gratis men kräver förhandsanmälan. Sista anmälningsdag är 27.11.2023.

Se programmet samt anmäl dig här.

Gjesteforelesning: Forestillinger om New Englands fortid – Ved Shelburne friluftsmuseum i USA

Det kulturhistoriske leseseminaret ved Norsk Folkemuseum har gleden av å invitere til en åpen gjesteforelesning med John F. Moe.
Tid: Tirsdag 19. September 10.15–11.00 UTC+2
Sted: Auditoriet i Collett-bygningen på Norsk Folkemuseum
Påmelding til: audun.kjus(@)norskfolkemuseum.no

Forelesningen er på engelskShelburne museum er bygget opp rundt 25 historiske bygninger som er flyttet til et stort friluftsområde ca. ti minutter sør for Burlington i New England. Forelesningen handler om hvordan dette museet tolker og presenterer historiske, fysiske gjenstander og drøfter museets rolle i formidlingen av New Englands fortid.

John F. Moe er koordinator for museumsseksjonen til American Folklore Society. Han har undervist i litteratur og folkloristikk ved Ohio State Univeristy siden 1981 og har publisert en rekke tekster om kulturhistoriske tema. Den nyeste utgivelsen hans handler om den amerikanske diskusjonen om borgerkrigsstatuer og rasisme og bærer tittelen: “Ritual, myth and play in anti-racist protest demonstrations”

Seminariet ”Skräck, skrock och skrönor – Maritim folktro förr och nu”

Den 12 oktober kl. 9.30–16 arrangerar Sjöhistoriska institutet vid Åbo Akademi seminariet Skräck, skrock och skrönor – Maritim folktro förr och nu på sjöfartsmuseet Forum Marinum i ÅboI seminariet medverkar föreläsare från Sverige, Norge och Finland. Klicka på länken här under för program, närmare information och instruktioner för anmälan:


Seminariet är öppet för alla, men kräver förhandsanmälan senast den 2 oktober till sjohistoriska(@)abo.fi (se närmare i programmet).

Med seminariet vill vi återvända till det magiska maritima landskap som tidigare var starkt närvarande i skärgårdsbornas, fiskarnas och sjöfararnas liv. Vi tänker på den maritima folktron som bland annat kom till uttryck genom förhållningsregler och tabun, noanamn, (initiations)riter, tecken och tydor i relation till vind och väderlek, samt föreställningar om vattenvarelser. Seminariet fokuserar, annorlunda uttryckt, på hur det maritima landskapet gavs en kulturell laddning och hur dess oberäknelighet, tillika farlighet, kunde bemästras genom magiska åtgärder och besvärjelser. Vad tänkte man? Vad tyckte man? Vad kände man? Vilka var traditionerna, föreställningarna och ritualerna?

Seminariet är inte endast tillbakablickande, utan målsättningen är också att problematisera idén om att det moderna samhället, med dess tilltro till vetenskap, teknik, rationalitet, avförtrollade vardagen. Som ett led i detta ska seminariet belysa hur den maritima folktron förändrades då segelfartyg successivt ersattes av ångfartyg (som delvis bemannades med en ny manskapskategori, maskinfolket som ofta saknade tidigare anknytning till sjön).

Vi vill också utforska om, var och hur det magiska maritima landskapet lever vidare i nutiden. I vissa avseenden är det maritima landskapet numera fullständigt transparent och förutsägbart genom förfinade navigationsmöjligheter, vetenskapligt baserade väderrapporter och en mängd andra tekniska hjälpmedel. På vilka sätt har detta påverkat det förtrollade magiska landskapet? Finns det idag nya former av folktro kopplat till den maritima världen och vilka uttryck tar de sig? På vilket sätt drar man nytta av traditionerna och i vilken form lever de i så fall vidare?