Alla inlägg av Mona Riska

Ready, Study, Go Turku 1.9.2016

Ready, Study, Go Turku -event is organised now for the seventeenth time by the City of Turku in co-operation with the local universities. The fair will be held on Thursday 1st of September 2016 10 am–4 pm at ICT-City (Joukahaisenkatu 3, Turku).

In the event, the city and companies present their services to new students. Besides the services offered by the city, the event also features student unions, employment services, trade unions, etc. last year there were 3000 new students attending the fair.

During the day, students can attend a free of charge tour around Turku, during which the locations of several important places, such as, the bus station and the railway station and the employment office are made familiar, and of course traditional city attractions will be shown as well.

The event is organised by the City of Turku in co-operation with the University of Turku, Åbo Akademi, Turku University of Applied Sciences, DIAK and Yrkeshögskolan Novia.

POLKU-project will organize seminar on during the Ready, Study, Go Turku -event in auditorum Myy in ICT-City.

All international students are most welcome to attend the seminar. There will be some former students of different universities to tell about their experiences on Finnish working life and also some information about POLKU-project and its activities.

Preliminary programme of the seminar:

10:00 Céline Charpentron, University of Turku: Ambassador-network

10:30 Kosar Mahmoodi graduate of Turku University of Applied Sciences and current student of University of Turku: Her own experiences

11:00 Anu Lehtinen, Turku University of Applied Sciences: What POLKU-project can offer to international students

13:00 Anu Lehtinen, Turku University of Applied Sciences: What POLKU-project can offer to international students

13:30 Daria Iurko student of University of Turku: Her own experiences

14:00 Tarek Omran, University of Turku and Muhammad Umer, Turku University of Applied Sciences tell about their experiences as student ambassadors

14:30 Esteban Soto graduate of Turku University of Applied Sciences: His own experiences

15:00 Emrah Yildir graduate and current student of Åbo Akademi University: His own experiences

15:30 Céline Charpentron, University of Turku and Päivi Oliva, Turku University of Applied Sciences: Ambassador-network

Welcome and see you in ICT-City on 1st of September!

Entrepreneurship as an Opportunity for International Students 8.9.2016

Raising Awareness on Entrepreneurship as an Opportunity for International Students

When? Thursday 8th of September, from 10:00 to 14:00

Where? Sparkup, Tykistökatu 4 b, Turku

The program includes presentations on entrepreneurship from different perspectives, interactive workshops on business ideation, business model sharpening and pitching. In addition various supporters of entrepreneurs and new businesses are available during the day.

Coffee and snacks will be served during the day.

You are warmly welcome!
For further information, please contact Kaisu Paasio (


10:00-10.30 How about starting up a business?
Expert Pirkka Hyssälä, Business Service Center Potkuri

10:30-11:00 Cases of international entrepreneurs 11:30-12:00 A viable entrepreneurship ecosystem – Who can help me with my business idea?
Entrepreneurship Project Manager Mikko Pohjola, University of Turku

Interactive workshops

3 interactive workshops are running during the day. No registeration needed. Take a pick or join them all, it’s your call!

  • Business Ideation Workshop – An overview and coaching to identify business opportunities by the University of Turku
  • Business Model Canvas Workshop – In the search of a viable business model by the University of Turku
  • Pitch Properly Workshop – The basics of pitching, also a chance to pitch yourself by Boost Turku


Meet also a range of supporters of entrepreneurs and new businesses.

  • Boost Turku – A student-based network for young entrepreneurs and entrepreneur-minded people sharing knowledge among the universities of Turku
  • Spark Up – A community and space where ideas and people can get together and network
  • Business Service Center Potkuri – Offers advice and help regarding starting business operations
  • Creve – ”Helps to create a creative business”
  • Universities in Turku – Entrepreneurship studies and courses

Kielisilta – online Finnish language learning program

The city of Turku has launched Kielisilta language learning program. Kielisilta is an online course in Finnish language for self-studies.


For degree students at Turku University of Applied Sciences (Turku amk)
Kielisilta functions in the university’s web without authentification.
Also if you use  the Eduroam network  you can connect directly.

If you want to use the programme at home you can
a) make VPN connection and you do not need any password
b) or login to the programme with username ”turku2016, and password ”avoin

For degree students at University of Turku (UTU)
You can login to Kielisilta within the university’s network (UTU) without authentification. If you are at the campus area and using the cable network or wifi of University of Turku (UTUStaff, Eduroam, UTUVisitor), just click on the link and you can enter the Kielisilta without any registration.

If you want to use the program at home, you can either
a) create VPN-connection to the UTU-network and you don´t need any password to enter
b or use the program by login with username ”turku2016” and password ”avoin”

For degree students at Åbo Akademi University (ÅA)
You can enter Kielisilta within the university’s network (AKADEMI) without authentification. The same applies if you are at the campus area and using wifi (Eduroam). Click on the link above and enter the Kielisilta without any registration.

If you want to use the program at home, you can either
a) create a VPN-connection to the AKADEMI-network and you don´t need any password to enter Kielisilta
b) or login with username ”turku2016” and password ”avoin”

Online material for learning the Finnish language

Finnish (Finnish–English)

  • Funzi (mobile)
    A brief introduction to Finnish language, culture and working life in English. Arabian, Somali and Dari versions will be available shortly.

Studying Finnish with a teacher or a friend

  • Everyday Finnish
    A Finnish language course published by the Institute of Adult Education in Helsinki. The material can be printed out.

Finnish language courses at Turun kesäyliopisto

There are plenty of Finnish courses starting this summer and autumn at Turun kesäyliopisto. Please find a suitable course for you through the links below and feel free to contact me if you have any further questions.

If you have studied a little bit of Finnish and you would like to revise the very basics, I would recommend this course:

  • Finnish for False Beginners – Suomen alkeiden kertaus
    25.07. – 05.08.2016

For those who have studied one or two beginners’ courses, we are offering Finnish for Beginners 3, which covers chapters 7-9 from the book Suomen mestari 1.

  • Finnish for Beginners 3 – Suomen kielen alkeet 3 (Group A)
    8.08. – 23.08.2016
  • Finnish for Beginners 3 – Suomen kielen alkeet 3 (Group B)
    15.08. – 03.10.2016

If you have already studied Suomen mestari 1, you can start Suomen mestari 2 from the beginning on kesäyliopisto’s course Continuation course in Finnish 1.

  • Continuation Course in Finnish 1 – Suomen jatkokurssi 1
    5.10. – 23.11.2016

If you are on level B1 and want to continue your Finnish studies with the book Suomen mestari 3 (chapters 4-6), you can join this course:

  • Advanced Finnish 2 – Suomea edistyneille 2

Are you planning to take The Finnish National Certificates of Language Proficiency (YKI-testi)? You can prepare for the test at Turun kesäyliopisto:

  • Suomen kielen keskitason YKI-tutkintoon valmentava kurssi  19.09. – 09.11.2016

For those who have advanced to level B2 or further, we can recommed the following courses:

  • Idiomit tutuksi! – Suomen kielen syventävä kurssi (B2-C1)
    9.08. – 01.09.2016
  • Mitä mieltä olet tästä tekstistä? (B1-B2)
    1.11. – 01.12.2016

Contact person:
Tommi Vuorinen, planning officer
Turun kesäyliopisto
Sirkkalankatu 4, 20520  Turku
phone. 044 720 1148

Turku Game Lab Summer School 9-26.8.2016

You still have an opportunity to apply for the Game Lab Summer School 2016 and learn to develop a game of your own.

Application deadline: June 30th.
Summer School from August 9th-26th.
For more information:

Summer School 2016

Dreaming of a career in game industry? Want to learn to develop games of your own? Interested in learning more about programming, game graphics or audio design?

Join our Game Development Summer School!

Date: August 9-26, 2016

Place: Turku University of Applied Sciences

Credits: 5 ECTS

Finnish Language and Working Life –summer course

Do you wish to learn more Finnish during the summer and also learn to know and visit some companies in the Turku area?

Now you can do both by attending a Finnish Language and Working Life –course at Turku University of Applied Sciences.

The course is targeted for all international degree students at higher education institutions in Turku and Salo.

The course is aimed to give students further knowledge after the basic studies in Finnish. The course is focused on understanding sentences and frequently used expressions related to areas of everyday life and especially working life.

Have you already learnt some Finnish and are your knowledge on level A2.1? If so, then the course might be aimed for you. First you need to take a Finnish language test online: and receive minimum 48 points to attend this course.

The course starts on 17th of May and will last until end of August. You can find more practical information about the course here:

If you have any questions about the course or wish to enroll please contact Ms. Anu Lehtinen (anu.lehtinen(at) The enrollment closes on 1st of May but you can ask if there is still room on the course after that.

Turku International Summer Schools 2016

Turku University of Applied Sciences and University of Turku offer  three Summer School Courses:

Orientation Day

August 8

Game Development

August 9-26.2016

Introducing and Exploring
Intercultural Relations in Everyday Life

August 9-19.2016

Urban ecology and design

August 10-26.2016

For more  information:



Mentorship Programme 2016 for International Students in Turku

During the spring/summer of 2016 POLKU-project will be starting a joint mentorship programme for all interested international students studying in any of the HEI:s in Turku. The aim of the mentorship programme is to provide information about Finnish working life for the mentorees. The Mentoring Programme will be conducted in groups of 3-6 and we aim to have 1-2 mentor(s) for each group, of which one preferably with international background her-/himself.

On this form, link below, you can leave your information if you are interested in the programme. We will contact you later with more information and you can then decide if and to what extent you want to take part.

For more information contact:
Coordinator Jan Kraufvelin
jan.kraufvelin( ), +358 50 5365886
Career Services at Åbo Akademi University

FACE Helsinki 16.06.2015 – streaming session

What: FACE Helsinki: Spare time… what does that mean for an entrepreneur?
When: June 16th from 17:30 to 20:30
Where: Streaming session
Registration link:

FACE Helsinki: Spare time… what does that mean?’ will address the lack of free time and loss of personal freedom entrepreneurs must juggle when launching a new business. For the vast majority of entrepreneurs, their startup is their passion. That’s why they don’t mind spending countless hours dedicated to turning their project into a reality… but that doesn’t mean they can’t find time for their family, friends, and other hobbies.  Apart from that, entrepreneurs fear losing personal freedom on the business side when they start to attract investors and need to give up equity in their company in return for funding. The reigns are no longer just theirs, and decisions often need to be consulted before final solutions can be made.

Come join us to hear what entrepreneurs have to say about their experiences about facing the unknown future of entrepreneurship: their fears, doubts, failures, advice and success; ask them questions via a Skype session, network with others like you and start your journey to entrepreneurship!