Alla inlägg av Mona Riska

Finland Swedish online course

Finland Swedish Survival course online  
A Swedish course for beginners in Finland

Course description

Are you living in the Finland and want to learn Finland Swedish? If so, then this course is for you.

The course includes a series of different types of interactive, visual and audio exercises that will help you learn Finland Swedish for everyday life in a fun and easy way.


To make use of Finland Swedish Online, you will need:

  • A modern browser. FINSWOL is tested for:
    • Firefox 48+
    • Google Chrome 53+
    • Safari 9+
    • Chrome for Android 53+
    • iOS 9+
  • Javascript must be enabled
  • Cookies – for website preferences, optimization and Google Analytics.
  • For video contents, 1 Mb/s connection speed or better is recommended. Slower connections still work but videos would then need more time for buffering.

Course provider: University of Helsinki and University of Iceland

Working in Finland week 9-13.10.2017

Studying in Finland and interested in staying here after graduation?

The Student Unions of the University of Turku and Åbo Akademi Univeristy are organising Working in Finland week together with the Career Services. The week is open for all international students in higher education . All of the the program is conducted in English. For some of the events you have to sign up in advance.  For more information see below.


Monday 9 October

Tuesday 10 October

  • 11:00-12:00
    Info lecture about Polku project in Career Services (Gezeliuksenkatu 2a)
    Services in Turku for international students
    Welcome to hear about different services in Turku available for international students, with focus on services aimed at enhancing your possibility to compete on the labour market in Turku and Finland.
    Sign up in advance:
  • 13:00-14:30
    CV clinic in the Career Services (Gezeliuksenkatu 2a) with possibility to take photo for your CV

Wednesday 11 October 

  • 12:45-16:00
    Practice job interview in the Career Services (Gezeliuksenkatu 2a).
    1) First you need to reserve a time for the interview (link below)
    2) Next you send us your CV together with a brief description about the job (imagined or real) you will practice to apply for by e-mail to:
    3) You will be interviewed for the job on agreed time
    4) After the mock interview you will receive feedback on your performance
    5) For time reservation for the interview:
    The reserved times are shared by the principle ”first come first served”.
  • 14:15-16:00
    How to start a business in Finland (Career Services, Gezeliuksenkatu 2a)
    This info session will provide you with information and advice on procedures and tasks required, when establishing a business in Finland.
    The lecturers are advisers from expert organizations working with future entrepreneurs.
    Sign up in advance:
  • 17:00-19:00
    Boost After work visit
    Visiting a Boost office
    Sign up link is coming soon!

Thursday 12 October

  • 10:00-11:30
    Internships info for foreign students (Career Services, Gezeliuksenkatu 2a)
    All degree students in the University of Turku are entitled to apply for university grants for internships that can be included in their studies. In this event we will provide you with information about grant possibilities related to internships either in Finland or abroad.
    Sign up in advance:
  • 13:00-15:00
    CV clinic in the Career Services (Gezeliuksenkatu 2a),  with possibility to take photo for CV

Friday 13 October

  • 9:30-11:30
    LinkedIn clinic in the Career Services (Gezeliuksenkatu 2a)
    Get guidance in making LinkedIn profile and get answers on any questions concerning LinkedIn.

Here information about the Working in Finland week on Facebook


Lost in Turku 13.9.2017

Come and solve LOST IN TURKU- mystery with your friends!

The winning teams are:

  • Il pas dit bonjour!
  • European team
  • DoomTrackers
  • Åland Girls
  • JinJin
  • The Turkools
  • Neuromates
  • Wonder woman
  • Bad girls

When? 13.9.2017
What? LOST IN TURKU- mystery orienteering path in the city center of Turku
Whom?  The event is open for all higher education students

The mystery path is about 4 km in length. There are 8 to 10 crosspoints along the path, where the City of Turku and different associations and organizations in Turku will present a range of cultural  and everyday life services and activities.

At the start you will get a route map and a passport, where you are asked to collect marks from the different crosspoints. By filling in the passport with marks, you participate in solving the LOST IN TURKU- mystery.

More information will be available on Facebook closer to the event.

Sign up for the Mystery Path in groups of 2 to 6 persons:

Contact person: Miia Kauppila, Culture coordinator
The City of Turku’s Recreation Division
Immigrant and multicultural services
e-mail: miia.kauppila( )

Workshop 20.9.2017 – Culture shock or How I Learned to Understand Finns and their Quirky Ways

Dive into the strange world of Finnish culture. This workshop will help you understand Finland through humor and useful tips. We will practice the ways Finns greet each other, debunk some common myths Finns tell about themselves and invite you to tell the group about the cultural landscape of your home country.
And remember: Winter is Coming.

The workshop will be held at Turku University of Applied Sciences, Joukahaisenkatu 3 on 20th of September at 4-6pm.

Please let Martin van Wetten ( to know if you are coming by 18th of September.

Registration of interest in POLKU information

The project POLKU – International talents as resource for expanding companies, aims to help international students in HEIs in the Turku area to act as a productive part of the local industry after graduation. The focus is on a win-win situation where individual students can find a position according to their level of education and career plans at the same time as the industry in the Turku area can get new competences (cultural, language, innovation etc.) and contacts that further their development and internationalization.

If you want to receive further information about upcoming events, please registrate:
Registration of interest in POLKU information

Study on employment and social integration into Turku

As a part of the POLKU project the Migration Institute of Finland conducted a survey among international students and graduates in Turku in December 2016.

You can take part of the findings from the study in this publication: International Students and Graduates, a Follow-up Study on Employment and Social Integration into Turku (pdf)

More publications by Migration Institute of Finland:


Friendship Programme Autumn 2017


The Friendship Programme offers the international visitors (students, teachers and researchers) and local families a chance for mutual cultural exchange and unforgettable experiences.

The student tutor system  is related to study issues,  when the Friendship Programme offers a Friend from the local community and gives possibilities to learn more about the Finnish culture and everyday life.

All activities within the Friendship Programme are voluntary. It is up to the international visitor and his/her Friend to decide what they want to do together and how often they meet.

visit or get in touch with

Friendship Programme (pdf)

Finnish Working Life Seminar 31.8.2017

Seminar on Finnish working life for international students, 31st of August, 2017

To welcome new international student to Turku, the POLKU project is organizing a Seminar on Finnish working life.

Time:  31st of August, at 10-16
Place: Omega auditorium, Joukahaisenkatu 3, Turku

Preliminary program 

10:00 Opening of the seminar, Anu Lehtinen, POLKU project

10:15 Sharing his own experiences, Tarek Omran, student of the University of Turku

11:00  What kind of services is the POLKU project offering to international students , Anu Lehtinen, Turku University of Applied Sciences

12:15 Sharing her own experiences, Phoung Bui, student of University of Turku:

13:00 What kind of services is the POLKU project offering to international students, Anu Lehtinen, Turku University of Applied Sciences

13:30 The Ambassador network of South-West Finland, Kaisu Paasio, University of Turku and Christina Athanasopoulou

14:00 Mentoring Programme for international students, Stefania Federico, Mentoring Advisor and Zeeshan Khan, University of Turku

14:30 The new Study in Turku -web pages, Martin van Wetten, Turku University of Applied Sciences

For more information about the seminar please contact Anu Lehtinen (

NOTE! There is also a Study in Turku –fair going on in the ICT-City at the same time.

For more information about the Study in Turku -fair: and

Finnish language in Working Life Summer Course

Do you wish to learn more Finnish during the summer and also learn
to know and visit some companies in the Turku area?

Now you can do both by attending a Finnish Language and Working Life  course at Turku University of Applied Sciences.

The course is targeted for all international degree students at
higher education institutions in Turku and Salo.

The course is aimed to give students further knowledge after the
basic studies in Finnish. The course is focused on understanding
sentences and frequently used expressions related to areas of
everyday life and especially working life.

Have you already learnt some Finnish and are your knowledge on level A2.1? Then the course is aimed for you.

The course takes place during the summer time and we will update
more information about the course later on during the spring.

Course description

If you are interested in this course please send email to Ms. Anu Lehtinen, anu.lehtinen(at), by 10 of May 2017.

POLKU workshop 1.6.2017

When? Thursday, 1st of June, 2017, at 13:00 -14:30

Where? Åbo Akademi University, Centre for lifelong learning, Tehtaankatu 2 (Arken, Building G)

Whom? For university teachers, study advisors and other staff at higher education institutions in Turku as well as for internationl degree students.


13:00 Coffe and welcome by Mona Riska, project coordinator

13:15 Introduction to the Learning café discussions by Jan Kraufvelin, project coordinator of POLKU        

Learning café discussions

  1. Services at the arrival stage and integration to the Turku area, Anu Lehtinen, Turku University of Applied Sciences
  2. Services that enhances employability, Jan Kraufvelin, Career services, Åbo Akademi University
  3. Services that helps to be entrepreneurial or to act as an ambassador for the Turku region, Kaisu Paasio, Brahea Centre, University of Turku

14:15 Presentations of the results from the Learning café discussions

Registration by 29th of May 2017:

Contact person:
Mona Riska, Project coordinator
CLL, Åbo Akademi University
e-mail: forename,