Kategoriarkiv: Call for papers

CFP: Discourses in/of disruption

The Call for Papers for the twelfth instalment of the interdisciplinary discourse studies conference Diskurs – interdisziplinär in Dresden, Germany, from November 16th to 17th, 2023 i snow open. The main conference language this year is English, and we especially invite discourse researchers from beyond Germany to submit abstracts (by April 30th, 2023).

The theme of the conference is discourses in/of disruption. Please read more on the attached flyer.

CFP: Colloquium ”Silenced Sources, Heritage, and the Oral-Literary Continuum”

Colloquium Silenced Sources, Heritage, and the Oral-Literary Continuum – Rewriting the Margins of the National

28–31 June 2023
Helsinki, Finland
CFP 15 Feb 2023

Proposals with a short abstract of fewer than 300 characters, a long abstract of fewer than 250 words, and a short biographical note should be sent by 15 February 2023 at
https://bit.ly/silenced-sources-proposal (Google Forms).

The full CFP with more details is attached as PDF.


Notions of culture, heritage and literature are formed in historical processes entangled with values and institutionalized power that are constantly challenged by countermoves in society and art. Not only are the notions intrinsically contested in this manner. Similar ideologically motivated dialogues determine the formation of historically specific, empirically observable cultures, folklore collections, heritage regimes and literary fields. The colloquium Silenced Sources, Heritage, and the Oral-Literary Continuum – Rewriting the Margins of the National focuses on the making of national cultures and canonized regimes of folklore, literature, and cultural heritage in Northern Europe during the long 19th century.

In the context of Romantic Nationalism, the conceptual and ethnographic invention of folklore and oral poetry laid the basis for creating elite cultures and literatures – within and across national borders. The practices of dismissal, integration and transformation were strategic in the mediation between oral and literary forms of artistic expression. Rather than simple transformation of the oral into the literary, the processes of textualization and heritagization consist of phases of decontextualization and recontextualization that set the elements of cultural practices into novel symbolic and political articulations.

19th century developments in the nationalization of culture and society continue to be a significant topic in the humanities and social sciences. This constant scholarly attention reflects the contemporary concern for upsurging cultural and political movements in Europe that have produced ideological visions of national pasts and political agendas based on them. The colloquium focuses on the diverse textualization practices that have laid the ground for the notions and narratives of allegedly national pasts. Setting the processes of using, transcribing, editing, and publishing oral and literary traditions into a larger national and transnational context deepens the understanding of the creation of nations, heritages, and canons, i.e., building culture and ascribing it the meaning and value of ‘national’.


We invite researchers on e.g., folklore, literature, cultural heritage, and history to delve on topics such as
– The interaction between oral and written cultures and evaluation of hybrid forms of expression
– The institutional actors and ideological premises in the cultivation of the oral-literary interface (e.g., in the context of archives)
– Epistemological issues related to documentation, textualization and editing
– The formation of values and notions linked to national heritages and literatures
– Documentation, editorial and textualization practices – omissions, silences, editorial decisions, and issues of representation in the field, the archive, research, and the literary field
– Processes of heritagization and canonization of folklore and expressive traditions
– Hidden sources and muted expressive genres on the fringes of cultural canons
– The criteria for marginalization or canonization of folklore, such as genre, area, content, social group
– Cultural appropriation, folklore, and national cultures

The colloquium will be organized in cooperation with The Finnish Literature Society, The Kalevala Society Foundation and the Folklore Department, University of Helsinki.

Anthropology Conference 2023: Call for papers

The conference will be held in Rovaniemi 21-23 March 2023.

About the conference:
”Relations and beyond: conference of the Finnish Anthropological Society

Relations have been called ”the master concept of anthropology”, yet recent advances have also drawn our attention to the question of un-related or post-relational beings, things and phenomena. Either way this shows how relation and relationality are too central to anthropology to become outdated. The concept has gained new relevance with the changes which anthropology as a discipline has been going through in recent decades. Among such developments are our increased awareness of the anthropocene, beyond-human ethnographies, renewed interest in ethics and co-creation of knowledge, and connected to that the limits of relations and the question of ”what comes next”, hence ”un-relations” or ”post-relations”. ”

Call for papers

We invite paper abstract submissions to the conference of the Finnish Anthropological Society. The general topic of the conference is “Relations and beyond”. You should send your abstract directly to the organiser of one of the panels listed below and cc’d to finnanthro(at)ulapland.fi. We have tentatively indicated in bold to whom to send abstracts in each panel, among the co-conveners, to avoid potential overlaps for those who are co-convening in more than one panel. This does not indicate any hierarchy among the co-conveners, nor how they organise themselves, we’ve only bolded the first name in the list.

The abstracts should contain the following information:

  • name of the panel to which submitted
  • title of the paper
  • name(s) and contact address(es) of the author(s)
  • paper abstract (max. 250 words)

Paper abstract submission deadline: 30.11.2022

Call for papers and posters: SIEF2023

The Call for Papers and Posters for SIEF2023 16th Congress Living Uncertainty in Brno, Czech Republic, is now open and will close on 10 January 2023!

SIEF2023 will be a fully face-to-face congress. You can find out about the congress fees on the Registration page.

Please read the instructions on how to propose a paper or a poster on the Call for Papers and Posters page and then submit your contribution via the links on panel pages (not by email).

The calls close on 10 January 2023, at 23:59 CET.