Kategoriarkiv: Call for papers – publikationer

CFP to Puls nr 9

Call for papers to Puls nr 9 is now open.

Deadline: August 21, 2023

Puls – journal for ethnomusicology and ethnochoreology is an online open access journal published by Svenskt visarkiv/Centre for Swedish Folk Music and Jazz Research,
Stockholm, Sweden. The main focus of Puls is ethnomusicology and ethnochoreology,
but the journal also embraces adjacent disciplines, such as other aspects of musicology
and choreology, folklore, literature, and related studies of traditional and popular
culture. Puls welcomes analyses of historical and contemporary sources as well as
empirical case studies and theoretical discussions. Puls is an annual open access journal
published on the website of Svenskt visarkiv. Each issue either focus on a specific
theme or opens up for any topic within the journal’s field. Puls’ ninth issue is an open one.