Konferens: Kulturarv i kreativa processer 28-29 Mars 2023

Nordiskt centrum för kulturarvspedagogik ordnar sin vårkonferens 28-29 mars 2023 på temat kulturarv i kreativa processer.

Kort om konferensen:

”På NCK:s vårkonferens som går av stapeln 28 – 29 mars 2023 på temat Kulturarv i kreativa processer vill vi djupdyka i mötet mellan kreativitet och kulturarv och undersöka hur detta möte öppnar upp för nya former av pedagogik och lärande. Vad händer när kulturarv används av konstnärer och kulturarbetare och tar sig nya uttrycksformer? Hur kan kulturarvsinstitutioner använda sig av kreativa uttryck som bildkonst, teater, poesi, spel eller dans för att både förmedla och medskapa? Vilka maktförhållanden och förgivettagna sanningar utmanas i mötet mellan det kunskapsbaserade och det konstnärliga?”

Intresse för att hålla presentation kan anmälas fram till 31 januari 2023.

CfP Ethnologia Fennica 2/2023: Hope in times of crisis and transformation

Ethnologica Fennica has an open call for abstracts for volume 2/2023 on the theme Hope in times of crisis and transformation. Deadline for the abstract is 20 December 2022.

”The issue 2/2023 of Ethnologia Fennica calls for a broad range of articles that deal with how individuals, activists, communities, or movements mobilize, use, and evoke hope. Where does hope happen, and how? Under which circumstances emerges and flourishes hope? What kind of narratives are constructed based on hope? In what kind of personally overwhelming or global global crises and transformations can hope help to imagine new alternatives and to become resilient and active?”

Please read the full CfP here.

Anthropology Conference 2023: Call for papers

The conference will be held in Rovaniemi 21-23 March 2023.

About the conference:
”Relations and beyond: conference of the Finnish Anthropological Society

Relations have been called ”the master concept of anthropology”, yet recent advances have also drawn our attention to the question of un-related or post-relational beings, things and phenomena. Either way this shows how relation and relationality are too central to anthropology to become outdated. The concept has gained new relevance with the changes which anthropology as a discipline has been going through in recent decades. Among such developments are our increased awareness of the anthropocene, beyond-human ethnographies, renewed interest in ethics and co-creation of knowledge, and connected to that the limits of relations and the question of ”what comes next”, hence ”un-relations” or ”post-relations”. ”

Call for papers

We invite paper abstract submissions to the conference of the Finnish Anthropological Society. The general topic of the conference is “Relations and beyond”. You should send your abstract directly to the organiser of one of the panels listed below and cc’d to finnanthro(at)ulapland.fi. We have tentatively indicated in bold to whom to send abstracts in each panel, among the co-conveners, to avoid potential overlaps for those who are co-convening in more than one panel. This does not indicate any hierarchy among the co-conveners, nor how they organise themselves, we’ve only bolded the first name in the list.

The abstracts should contain the following information:

  • name of the panel to which submitted
  • title of the paper
  • name(s) and contact address(es) of the author(s)
  • paper abstract (max. 250 words)

Paper abstract submission deadline: 30.11.2022

Research project: Northern nightmares 1400-2020

Northern nightmares 1400-2020 is an interdisciplinary research project that analyse nightmares and bad dreams drawn from Finnish history and contemporary culture. The research mainly employs concepts and methods derived from cultural and social history and folklore studies. Some information about the research project from the website:

”The research project ”Northern Nightmares 1400–2020”, funded by the Academy of Finland, studies nightmare experiences and the ways in which they have been narrated among populations in Finland. The project explores the circumstances and situations that have been seen as causing nightmares, and attempts to contextualise historically and culturally the bad dreams that have been described in a wealth of different historical and folklore sources. Another important question is the thematic content of bad dreams: what do dream themes tell us about past cultures and the people living in them? Have the themes changed over the course of time, or do people living in the 21st century have similar nightmares as people who lived in Finland centuries ago?”


Call for papers and posters: SIEF2023

The Call for Papers and Posters for SIEF2023 16th Congress Living Uncertainty in Brno, Czech Republic, is now open and will close on 10 January 2023!

SIEF2023 will be a fully face-to-face congress. You can find out about the congress fees on the Registration page.

Please read the instructions on how to propose a paper or a poster on the Call for Papers and Posters page and then submit your contribution via the links on panel pages (not by email).

The calls close on 10 January 2023, at 23:59 CET.

Third Annual Lecture in European Ethnology: Cultural Anthropological Perspectives on Europe

The third annual lecture in European ethnology will be held on Wednesday 16 November from 19:00-21:00  UTC+02. This is a hybrid event. If you would like to participate online, please contact Elisabeth Wolff at e.wolff(@)stud.uni-goettingen.de

About the lecture from the facebook page:

”The Third Annual Lecture in European Ethnology in Goettingen will be delivered by Professor Marie Sandberg with the title “With a view to temporary stay.” An ethnological perspective on Europe’s politics of exception after the “return turn”.

The significant “return turn” (Schultz 2020) of the Global North has replaced re-settlement and integration as core immigration values, resulting in prolonged uncertainty and intensified deterrence measures (DeGenova 2013). After the 2015 European refugee reception crisis, Denmark, for instance, announced a so-called Paradigm shift away from integration of newcomers and towards a focus on self-reliance and return policies. Hence, since 2019 all residence permits are issued “with a view to temporary stay” as the blanket approach for all refugees, regardless of protection status (Tan 2021). Based on preliminary research insights from the collaborative research-practice project “Boundary work. New interfaces between state and civil society: Volunteerism and refugees in a self-support and repatriation context”, I will focus on everyday life consequences of the permanent temporariness for both refugees and civil society volunteers. With inspiration from Georgina Ramsay’s (2020) critique of exceptionalizing displacement through the lens of “crisis”, I will discuss how we can make the European politics of exception into ethnological inquiry without reproducing logics of difference and othering. Further, I will reflect on what effect the enhanced deterrence measures might have on the future of Europe.

Marie Sandberg is Associate Professor, PhD, in European Ethnology, and the Director of the Centre for Advanced Migration Studies (AMIS) at the University of Copenhagen. Since 2021, she serves as the President for the International Society for Ethnology and Folklore (SIEF). Marie Sandberg was the joint editor-in-chief of Ethnologia Europaea – Journal of European Ethnology 2013–2020. As PI and co-PI she has a record of managing a range of research projects and networks. She has worked systematically with integrating teaching and research. Her publications have appeared in journals such as Journal of European Studies and Identities. She has held Visiting Scholar positions at the University of British Columbia and Radboud University, and she has been a Senior Fellow at University of Zürich. Marie Sandberg is engaged in discussions within international as well as Nordic fields of migration and border studies covering a research expertise in European borders, civil society initiatives and migration practices. She has conducted ethnographic studies of the ways borders in/of everyday life are continuously negotiated, overcome, and rebuilt in interactions such as volunteer work in support of refugees coming to Europe during the 2015 “refugee crisis”.

“Boundary work. New interfaces between state and civil society: Volunteerism and refugees in a self-support and repatriation context” is developed in collaboration with the Danish Red Cross, Danish Refugee Council (DRC), University College Absalon, and the Centre for Advanced Migration Studies (AMIS), University of Copenhagen. The project is funded by the VELUX Foundations 2021‒2024, and led by Marie Sandberg.”

ISFNR online lectures

The international Society for Folk Narrative Research organizes free online lectures every month. There are two different lecture series, the ISFNR Lecture Series Voices from around the Globe and the ISFNR Belief Narrative Network Online Lectures. These lectures are freely available on their website for anyone that is interested.

Some information about the lectures from the website:

About Voices from Around the Globe:

”The International Society for Folk Narrative Research is pleased to announce the start of a new lecture series entitled The ISFNR Lecture Series: Voices from Around the Globe, which will be open to not only our global network of international folk narrative scholars but also the general public. The lectures will take place online at 5 pm UTC, on the third Friday of every alternate month, beginning April 15, 2022, each of them coordinated by a member of the Executive Committee of the Society. The plan is for the Vice Presidents of the ISFNR to invite particular members of the Society (and other scholars to present their research in any language in which they wish to speak (bearing in mind the need to communicate to an international audience). The papers not presented in English will be made available in English translation.”

Previous lectures can be watched here.

About The ISFNR Belief Narrative Network Online Lectures:

”The  ISFNR Belief Narrative Network Online Lectures deal with folk beliefs of all kinds, and the narratives that are used to pass them on. The idea is that in the first week of each month, various international scholars present pre-recorded lectures on the subject of their choice which will later go on to be freely available on the ISFNR web site to anyone who wishes to make use of them as part of their research or in their teaching. The initial on-line showing is  nonetheless always followed by a half an hour live on-line zoom meeting in which those who attend will be able to ask the speaker questions.

The lectures take place on the first Friday of each month at 17.00 Central European time, except during the summer months of July and August. ”

Previous lectures can be watched here.

Folkmusik som källa till inspiration och identifikation – webbinarium 10.11

Webbinarium 10.11.2022 kl. 13–16

Folkmusik som källa till inspiration och identifikation

Folkmusiken som inspirationskälla för kreativt skapande har följt den västerländska musikens utveckling ända från 1700-talet då begreppet myntades. I ett konstmusikaliskt sammanhang kulminerade utvecklingen i 1800-talets nationalromantik, men folkmusik har också spelat en viktig roll i moderna tiders musikskapande och -utövande. Folkmusik kopplas ofta till nationella och identitetsskapande aspekter – idag särskilt inom diskussioner kring nationella kulturarv och deras bevarande.

Välkommen till webbinariet ”Folkmusiken som källa till inspiration och identifikation” torsdagen den 10 november klockan 13–16 (finsk tid), där får vi höra inlägg av forskare och musiker som fördjupat sig i denna tematik.

Webbinariet arrangeras av SLS/Finlands svenska folkmusikinstitut (FMI) och sker via Zoom. Webbinariet är gratis och öppet för alla intresserade. Du får länken till sändningen i bekräftelsemeddelandet efter att du har anmält dig.

Föreläsare är professor emeritus Alf Arvidsson (Umeå Universitet), FD Daniel Fredriksson (Högskolan Dalarna), FD Johanna Björkholm (KulturÖsterbotten), FM Tom Forsman och FM Mats Granfors, forskare och musiker.

På frågor svarar producent Niklas Nyqvist niklas.nyqvist(@)sls.fi eller kontakta oss på info(@)sls.fi 09 618 777 (vardagar kl. 9–16).


13:00–13.30 Alf Arvidsson: Folkmusikens genredynamik – representation och nyproduktion i historiskt perspektiv.
13:30–14:00 Daniel Fredriksson: Audiovisuellt kulturarv och musikaliska maskhål: arkivinspelningar på livescenen.
14:00–14:30 Johanna Björkholm: Tryggande av immateriellt kulturarv och lokal tradition. Folkmusik och -dans i Österbotten som exempel.


14:45–15:15 Tom Forsman och Mats Granfors: Sydösterbottnisk folkmusik.
15:15–16:00 Allmän diskussion, moderator Niklas Nyqvist (SLS/FMI)


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Påminnelse: Seminarium om tunnlar som utopier och dystopier

Tunnelseende – samtal om tunnlar som utopier och dystopier

Seminarium på Svenska litteratursällskapet i Finland (Riddaregatan 5 Helsingfors) fredagen den 11.11.2022 kl. 10–17 (finsk tid).

I detta heldagsseminarium bjuder vi in till samtal om tunnlar. De förknippas med en friktionsfri, framåtriktad rörelse, med framåtanda, gemenskap och internationalism. Men tunnlar rymmer också mörka stråk. De sammanlänkas med förstöring av naturvärden och miljö. Mörka eller svagt belysta gångtunnlar uppfattas som hotfulla miljöer. Tunnlar väcker sålunda såväl drömmar som mardrömmar; de rymmer kulturell komplexitet och en mångsidig politisk klangbotten.

Förmiddagen fokuserar på tunnlars ljusa, utopiska dimensioner och eftermiddagen belyser mörka, dystopiska stråk. Under seminariet läser skådespelaren Alma Pöysti högt ur skönlitterära texter och traditionsuppteckningar som anknyter till temat av bland andra August Andersson, Karin Boye, Martin Engberg, Eric Linklater och Malte Persson.

Seminariet ordnas i samarbete mellan Svenska litteratursällskapet i Finlands traditions- och litteraturvetenskapliga nämnder och vänder sig till forskare, studenter och en intresserad allmänhet.

Vi direktsänder seminariet på sls.fi och det kan också ses i efterhand på SLS kanal på Youtube.

Du får också länken till sändningen i bekräftelsemeddelandet efter att du anmält dig.



Tunneln som utopi, fantasi och praktik

10.00 Seminariet öppnas, professor Lena Marander-Eklund, ordförande i Traditionsvetenskapliga nämnden
10.15 Tunneln som mentalitet och materialitet, professor emeritus Orvar Löfgren (etnologi, Lunds universitet)
10.45 Samtal: Professor Fredrik Nilsson (nordisk etnologi, Åbo Akademi) och Orvar Löfgren
11.05 Woolf in och ut ur ”The Tube”: Londons tunnelbana och modernistiskt författarskap, biträdande professor Jason Finch (engelska, Åbo Akademi) (via Zoom)
11.20 Gångtunneln: liminalitet och ekande barnrop, docent Ann-Charlotte Palmgren (genusvetenskap, Åbo Akademi)
11.35 Samtal: Jason Finch och Ann-Charlotte Palmgren

12.00 Lunchpaus (lunch på egen bekostnad)

Tunneln som dystopi, fasa och hot

13.15 Eftermiddagen inleds, Fredrik Nilsson
13.30 Dödsrike, fängelse eller skyddsrum. Underjorden i svenskspråkiga romaner från 1840-talet till idag, professor Yvonne Leffler, (litteraturvetenskap, Göteborgs universitet)
14.00 Samtal: Professor Kristina Malmio och Yvonne Leffler
14.20 ”Att försvinna i tunnelbanan”, docent Emma Eldelin (litteraturvetenskap, Linköpings universitet (via Zoom)
14.35 Hotet från underjorden: från viktorianska tunnlar till superavlopp, docent Blanka Henriksson (folkloristik, Åbo Akademi)
14.50 Samtal: Emma Eldelin och Blanka Henriksson
15.15 Summering, Kristina Malmio, ordförande i Litteraturvetenskapliga nämnden

15.45–17.00 Mingel


Som studerande eller doktorand i etnologi, folkloristik eller litteraturvetenskap har du möjlighet att få dina resor (tåg eller buss) ersatta. Kontakta nämndforskare Malin Stengård eller Julia Tidigs (litteraturvetenskap) innan seminariet äger rum (epostadresser enligt modellen fornamn.efternamn@sls.fi).

Sista anmälningsdag är den 7 november via anmälningsformuläret.

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