SuHRFs Sustainable Heritage Seminar

Välkomna till SuHRFs Sustainable Heritage Seminar, onsdagen den 29 mars, kl. 13.15-15.00 i rum E41 Campus Gotland eller i zoom: bifogad poster. Denna gång presenterar prof. Thomas Yarrow från Durham Universitet, sin forskning under titeln:

Objects of Conservation: Ethnographic Perspectives on Heritage Practice. 

Welcome to SuHRFs Sustainable Heritage Seminar on Wednesday the 29 March, at 13.15-15.00 in room E41 at Campus Gotland or in zoom, see attached poster. This time it’s prof. Thomas Yarrow from Durham University who will present his research under the title: 

Objects of Conservation: Ethnographic Perspectives on Heritage Practice. 


//Sustainable Heritage Research Forum SuHRF