månadsarkiv: februari 2023

ARV – Nordic Yearbook of folklore nr 78 – 2022

The newest issue of ARV – Nordic Yearbook of folklore nr 78 – 2022 can be found at Kungliga Gustav Adolfs Akademiens website.


Egil Asprem and Sebastian Casinge (SWEDEN): The Trickster and the Witch

Randi Hege Skjelmo and Liv Helene Willumsen (NORWAY): ”The Money Chest Layby his Head”

Ellen Alm (NORWAY): The Quantitative Scope of Witchcraft Trials in Norwegian Bohuslen 1587-1658

Egil Bakka (NORWAY): Migrating with Movement Expressions

Anders Gustavsson (SWEDEN): The Consequences of Covid19 Pandemic

The Kink Community in Finland: Affect, Belonging, and Everyday Life (2023)

Johanna Pohtinen is defending her doctoral dissertation in ethnology at University of Turku, 25 February 2023 klo 12.00 – 16.00 (UTC +2). The title of the dissertation is The Kink Community in Finland: Affect, Belonging, and Everyday Life and it can be found here.

From the abstract:

This research explores the relationship between kink and everyday life, how affects are related to kink, and how community and belonging are important for kinky individuals. The main research material consists of themed writings, which deal with kinksters’ relationship to the community and their own kinkiness. The materials also include photographs of kink objects and homes, as well as participant observation and interviews on kink events. The materials are understood as dialogical: they are in dialogue with each other and with the researcher. The research methods are based on cultural analysis and draw on theories on affect, community, and everyday life.

Svenska Litteratursällskapets stipendier

Svenska Litteratursällskapets februariansökan är öppen och här går bland annat att ansöka om medel för vetenskapliga eller populärvetenskapliga arbeten i etnologi, folkloristik eller kulturhistoria om finlandssvenskarna och den svenska kulturen i Finland. Forskningsresultaten kan publiceras på svenska och andra språk. Det finns inga begränsningar beträffande forskarens nationalitet, språk eller hemort.

Sista ansökningsdag: 28 februari 2023.

Läs mer på Svenska Litteratursällskapets hemsida.

Time Warps. Refugees and the Experience of Waiting in Rural Sweden (2023)

Time Warps. Refugees and the Experience of Waiting in Rural Sweden is a doctoral dissertation written by Rikard Engblom at the Department of Cultural Anthropology and Ethnology at Uppsala University.

From the abstract:

This thesis explores the ways in which refugees’ experience of time is warped when they come to Sweden. It is based on fourteen months of ethnographic fieldwork in Avesta, a small municipality in rural Sweden. Refugee reception and immigration control in Sweden is characterized by humanitarian ideals that exist in tension with practices and policies aiming to restrict immigration in the name of security and stability. Each chapter of this thesis documents a different combination of these ideals and concerns, examining how they generate particular configurations of waiting. For many refugees in Sweden, everyday life is characterized by waiting—waiting to have their asylum application processed; to receive a residence permit, which grants them the right to work; to be reunited with their families to find a place in Swedish society. This process often takes several years, during which the conditions for receiving residence permit may suddenly change or be made more difficult. The thesis is a contribution to the recent “temporal turn” in migration studies through its focus on waiting as a productive phenomenon in vulnerable circumstances. The increased presence of refugees has given rise to anti-immigrant sentiments in Sweden, but it has also generated welcoming, compassionate responses. By addressing not only how refugees cope with living in a continual state of waiting under precarious conditions, but also how bureacracies, civil societies, and individuals respond to this waiting, the thesis discusses the sociological and ethical implications of refugees’ waiting. Time Warps demonstrates the importance of unpacking combinations of humanitarianism and securitarianism when developing a deepened understanding of refugees experience of waiting in rural Sweden.

Full text can be found in diva-portal.

Moden i Danmark gennem 400 år (2022)

Från beskrivningen på Gads forlags hemsida:

”Moden i Danmark er en ny dansk modehistorie. Over to bind fortæller værkets forfattere, Marie Riegels Melchior & Mikkel Venborg Pedersen, om klædedragtens kultur- og designhistorie i Danmark og om, hvordan 400 års danskere har klædt sig, når de ville være med på moden – og hvorfor. ”

Boken har nominerats för två pris: Historical Book of the Year 2022 och The Weekend Newspaper Literature Prize 2022.

Läs mer här, där du också kan hitta en podcast om boken: Marie Riegels Melchior og Mikkel Venborg Pedersen om Moden i Danmark gennem 400 år 
