Kategoriarkiv: Disputationer

Kutsu osallistua tieteelliseen toimintaan. Etnografisia näkökulmia monitieteisen kyselytoiminnan yhteistyöhön ja käytäntöihin (2023)

Anna Kirveennummi is defending her doctoral thesis ”Kutsu osallistua tieteelliseen toimintaan. Etnografisia näkökulmia monitieteisen kyselytoiminnan yhteistyöhön ja käytäntöihin” in ethnology at University of Turku 16 June 2023 at 12:00.

Read more here.

English summary of the thesis:

An invitation to participate in scientific activity: ethnographic perspectives on collaboration practices in multidisciplinary questionnaire activity

Qualitative thematic inquiries form a specific method for creating research material, comparable to fieldwork, interviews and semi-structured questionnaire forms. The idea behind this method of collection was to send questionnaires published in printed leaflets to people who assisted researchers in providing information about their observations, experiences and memories connected with folk life. The basis of this study is the multidisciplinary and collaborative process of inviting citizens to create a new set of ethnological and sociological collections at the University of Turku. It took shape through the series of questionnaire leaflets Tiedusteluja kansallisten tieteiden alalta (Inquiries from the field of national sciences).

The starting point for my work is the University of Turku TYKL-Collections of the Archives of the School of History, Culture and Arts Studies (HKTL-archives). I examine the series of questionnaire pamphlets as well as related archive materials and discussions. I contemplate how questionnaire activity directed at citizens was planned and realized and on what kinds of social and intellectual interaction, circumstances and practices these forms of collaboration were based. By studying the processes from various ethnographic perspectives I attempt to deepen understanding of the many connections between the methods applied in questionnaire activity, on the one hand, and cultural, societal and scientific changes, on the other.

The series of questionnaire pamphlets was initiated in 1958 by Esko Aaltonen (1893-1966), Professor of Sociology, while he was serving as head of the Department of Sociology and the new Department of Ethnology in the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Turku. I have identified the most active period for multidisciplinary collaboration to be 1958–1962, during which time 14 questionnaire pamphlets appeared. They contained a total of 28 questionnaires, of which 12 came from sociology and 13 from ethnology, sometimes in parallel and sometimes consecutively. Three questionnaires intended for rural workers in specific trades were implemented in closer collaboration between the two disciplines. The basis for scientific co-operation was formed through regular work on the methodology of questionnaire leaflets. The invitation process was intended to be accessible and engaging for the respondents as well as to fit the research profiles of the institutions.

Esko Aaltonen and other researchers in the so-called national sciences participated actively in the Finnish Local Heritage Federation (Kotiseutuliitto) and other rural and museum organizations. It was also through these organizations that citizens were familiarized with the process of collecting materials and responding to questionnaires as aspects of knowledge creation and circulation. Prompts and practical instructions for amateur scholars who collected and wrote down responses to the questionnaires were shaped in the guides to local work (Kotiseututyön opas, 1948, 1953, 1963) published by Esko Aaltonen. During the 1950s and 1960s the methodological attention shifted from collection of material to new use contexts for the materials connected with rural sociology and planning the emerging modern society. The polyphony of questionnaire activity can be read in the various research programs that I recognize in the formulation of the questionnaires and prompts. During the 1950s and 1960s as well the significance of field work gradually began to be emphasized and questionnaire activity was modified to be a kind of passive field work conducted in rural communities.

Finally, using selected examples of personal data forms, I contemplate what preconditions for responding were created in survey activity. In the closing discussion I explore the opportunities for analyzing and developing methods of asking in connection, for example, with emerging areas of practice in sustainability and citizen science.

Translation by Kendra Willson

The thesis can be found here.

Desires of Decoloniality and Museal Logics: Encounters between the Swedish Museum of Ethnography, democratic ideals, and contemporary audiences (2023)

Charlotte Engman disputerar den 5 maj 2023 i etnologi vid Umeå Universitet med en avhandling vid namn Desires of Decoloniality and Museal Logics: Encounters between the Swedish Museum of Ethnography, democratic ideals, and contemporary audiences. Opponent är Anna Rastas.

Tid: Fredag 5 maj, 2023 kl. 10:00 – 12:00
Plats: UB.A 240, Lindellhallen 4, Samhällsvetarhuset, Umeå

Avhandlingens abstrakt:

‘Decolonisation’ is a frequently used expression in museum contexts, and a growing museal practice. In ethnographic museums, such attempts are usually performed in the shape of projects that seek to establish new relationships with source– or diasporan communities. However, little research has been produced about how these practices relate to the political demands and expectations set on state museums, and how they are shaped in a Swedish context. By following the project Ongoing Africa at the Museum of Ethnography in Stockholm, Sweden, the thesis aims to explore how different museal logics condition activities, are reproduced, and relate to each other. The empirical data consists of interviews with museum staff and collaborators engaged in the project, observations of project activities, and written data such as policy documents and government publications.

The findings show that tension and ambivalence characterise museal decoloniality. Along with ideals of social inclusion, co-creation and decolonial agendas, the museal economy is being eroded and activities market-adjusted, at the same time as the museum is also expected to be educative and authoritarian. While museum professionals struggle with creating relevance for the museum and the collections, the latter has been discursively fragmented through contemporary investments in heritage justice and repatriation discourse. To external stake holders, the ethnographic collection symbolises ongoing forms of colonial violence and heritage items that contribute to diasporan identity formation. Furthermore, the public museum is today a place where contemporary anti-racist ideology manifest itself through silences performed in relation to racialisation, and knowledge is at the museum a contingent and relational practice.

Avhandlingen kan läsas i diva-portal.

The Kink Community in Finland: Affect, Belonging, and Everyday Life (2023)

Johanna Pohtinen is defending her doctoral dissertation in ethnology at University of Turku, 25 February 2023 klo 12.00 – 16.00 (UTC +2). The title of the dissertation is The Kink Community in Finland: Affect, Belonging, and Everyday Life and it can be found here.

From the abstract:

This research explores the relationship between kink and everyday life, how affects are related to kink, and how community and belonging are important for kinky individuals. The main research material consists of themed writings, which deal with kinksters’ relationship to the community and their own kinkiness. The materials also include photographs of kink objects and homes, as well as participant observation and interviews on kink events. The materials are understood as dialogical: they are in dialogue with each other and with the researcher. The research methods are based on cultural analysis and draw on theories on affect, community, and everyday life.

Kalevalan kirjallista nykykäyttöä (2022)

Merja Leppälahti is defending her doctoral thesis Kalevalan kirjallista nykykäyttöä (Contemporary literary use of the Kalevala) at University of Turku on Saturday 3 December 2022 at 12:00. You can read more here (in Finnish).

The thesis can be viewed here.

Short excerpt from the English abstract:

”Right from its publishing, our national epic Kalevala has been an inspiration to artists, authors, and composers. Interest in the Kalevala has continued to this day, and it still continues.

Here I research how material from the Kalevala is used in new texts. The main material consists of fiction literature published over three decades, and I also look at metal music lyrics. This research consists of five articles and a summary section, where I also present the research material. The research touches the interface between literary studies and folkloristics. The material is literature, but the perspective is that of cultural studies.”

”Sillä ainahan merimies sentään on erimies”: Merimiesidentiteetit muuttuvassa maailmassa (2022)

Ulla Kallberg is defending her doctoral thesis in ethnology ”Sillä ainahan merimies sentään on erimies”: Merimiesidentiteetit muuttuvassa maailmassa (in english ”For always a sailor is a different man”: Seaman identities in a changing world) at University of Turku on Saturday 12 November 12:00-16:00. More information can be found on University of Turku’s website.

The thesis can be found here.

An short excerpt from the english summary:

”This study, which is part of the field of ethnology, examines the manifestation of the self and self-understanding of Finnish sailors in the working communities of steamers transporting freight. Central to it is the experience of an individual working as a sailor on an ocean liner about his own self and how he understands himself. The events described in the study date to between 1910 and 1955.”

Dissertation Defence: Fangar hefðarinnar: Konur og kvenleiki í íslenskum þjóðsögum

Dagrún Ósk Jónsdóttir is defending her dissertation in folkloristics at University of Iceland today, June 7th 2022 14:00-16:00 (GMT/UTC+0). The dissertation is named Fangar hefðarinnar: Konur og kvenleiki í íslenskum þjóðsögum (in english something like: Prisoners of tradition: Women and femininity in Icelandic folktales).

You can follow the dissertation defence online (in english). Read more here.

If you want to read a little bit more about the research in english you can have a look here.

Anakrona livsvillkor: En studie av funktionalitet, möjligheter och begär i den föränderliga svenska välfärdsstaten

Den 3 juni disputerar Christine Bylund i etnologi i Umeå på avhandlingen ”Anakrona livsvillkor: En studie av funktionalitet, möjligheter och begär i den föränderliga svenska välfärdsstaten”. Opponent är Maria Bäckman, Stockholms universitet.

Avhandlingen kan läsas här.

Engelskt abstract:
Since 2009 a decrease in support for dis/abled people provided by the welfare state has taken place. In this process, the concept of family and relationships are both overlooked and central. Cuts of support significantly impact family lives, rendering dis/abled people dependent on their partners, parents, or children. However, little research has been produced about how the needs, wants, and desires of dis/abled people are affected by the changing welfare state.

This thesis examines the connections between the changing forms of support in the welfare state, desire, and relationships through a crip-theoretical understanding of dis/ability and a phenomenological understanding of the welfare state as a structure for orientation in both a practical and existential sense. The material consists of interviews with dis/abled people based on the principle of cross-disability and autoethnographic writing.

The findings show that an ableist discourse shapes the welfare state’s earliest support, resulting in segregation and isolation. These discourses were challenged during the period of deinstitutionalisation and through the passing of the LSS-law in the 1993s but never entirely dismantled. During the contemporary neoliberal austerity politics, it returns, positioning dis/abled people as a societal burden. Due to its intimate nature and its conditioning of everyday life, the relationship to the welfare state can be understood as a relationship of its own. Changes in the welfare state affect the physical and emotional movements, making certain lifestyles and relationships appear possible and others impossible. The thesis contributes to and nuances the previous research on the intersection of welfare state support and services and the practical and existential experiences of dis/abled people in Sweden.


Människoliknande teknik och det möjligt mänskliga: En etnologisk studie av relationer mellan människor och teknik

Johan Hallqvist disputerar i etnologi vid Umeå universitet fredagen den 6:e maj. Hans doktorsavhandling heter Människoliknande teknik och det möjligt mänskliga: En etnologisk studie av relationer mellan människor och teknik

Opponent: Jenny Gunnarsson Payne.

Avhandlingen finns att läsa här

I diva-portal kan man läsa detta om avhandlingen:

”Denna avhandling knyter an till den klassiska kulturvetenskapliga frågan om hur vi förstår vad det innebär att vara människa. Specifikt undersöks hur människor i samtiden aktivt utforskar och förhåller sig till den ökande kontaktytan i vardagsliv och arbetsliv mellan människor och människoliknande teknik, dvs. teknik som har människoliknande egenskaper och inte sällan även människoliknande utseende såsom robotar och digital hälsoteknik. Detta möjliggör en granskning av hur mänsklighet skapas, förhandlas och omförhandlas.

Det övergripande syftet med avhandlingen är att undersöka de föreställningar om vad det innebär att vara människa som aktualiseras i mötet mellan människa och människoliknande teknik. De centrala frågorna rör vilka dessa föreställningar om det mänskliga är, vad som kännetecknar dem och hur de kommer till uttryck samt hur gränser mellan människor och människoliknande teknik förhandlas och omförhandlas. I syftet ingår även att undersöka hur föreställningar om det mänskliga i relation till människoliknande teknik påverkas av och påverkar föreställningar om kön, sexualitet, ålder, etnicitet, social skiktning och subjektivitet, samt även hälso- och sjukvård och professionalism. Dessa olika perspektiv undersöks i avhandlingens fem papers.

Avhandlingens empiri utgörs av två delstudier från både fiktiva och icke-fiktiva sammanhang där människoliknande teknik utvecklas och används av människor inom en svensk kontext. Delstudierna utgör två olika spelplatser där möjliga (framtida) relationer mellan människor och människoliknande teknik gestaltas och undersöks. I delstudie 1 (paper 1–2) undersöks, genom intervjuer och observationer, utvecklingen av digital hälsoteknik för hälso- och sjukvård inom två svenska tvärvetenskapliga forskningsprojekt, Like-a-peer och Walk Safely. I delstudie 2 (paper 3–5) undersöks, genom medieobservationer, relationer mellan människor och människoliknande teknik i den svenska science fiction tv-serien Äkta människor.

Empirin har analyserats med hjälp av diskursteori, figural hermeneutik, feministisk queerteori och feministisk nymaterialistisk teoribildning. Specifikt analyseras hur föreställningar om att vara människa förhandlas och omförhandlas i relationer mellan människor och människoliknande teknik där språk, praktiker och materiella objekt länkas samman och skapar gränsdragningar mellan vad som förstås som mänskligt och icke-mänskligt.

Utifrån resultaten i avhandlingens papers framkommer två övergripande teman gällande föreställningar om mänsklighet i relationer mellan människor och människoliknande teknik. Det första temat är hur människolikhet som medel, fantasi och praktik fungerar både gränsupprätthållande och gränsöverskridande. Såväl i Like-a-peer och Walk Safely som i Äkta människor gjordes teknik människolik på olika sätt, för olika syften och i olika grad. Detta förmänskligande tog sig uttryck främst genom att förkroppsliga tekniken för att göra den mer ”biologiskt” människolik, genom personalisering där tekniken anpassas till användarens behov och att tekniken görs personlik, samt genom subjektivering där tekniken framstår mer som en någon än ett något. Resultatet visar att förmänskligandet av tekniken både utmanar och upprätthåller föreställningar om vad det innebär att vara människa och skapar vissa gränsöverskridanden mellan människa och människoliknande teknik men även mellan fiktion och verklighet samt mellan arbetsliv och vardagsliv, när tekniken flyttar in i människors hem.

Det andra temat är hur människolikhet ger upphov till (möjliga) konflikter och utmaningar. Två potentiella konflikter identifierades. Den ena konflikten involverade relationen mellan patient och digital hälsoteknik i huruvida om och när den digitala vårdgivaren (människoliknande digital hälsoteknik) skulle följa eller gå emot patientens egna hälsorelaterade önskemål. Den andra konflikten handlade om frågan om patientens valfrihet och möjlighet att själv få välja avatar till sin digitala vårdgivare för att öka sin villighet att följa den digitala vårdgivarens råd. Några intervjupersoner lyfte risker med att patienten skulle välja bort vissa avatarer på grund av fördomar gällande exempelvis kön, etnicitet och ålder. För det första skulle detta kunna hota den mänskliga mångfalden inom hälso- och sjukvården genom att patienter, medvetet eller omedvetet, även väljer (bort) mänskliga hälsoprofessionella baserat på fördomar. Valet av avatar, det vill säga hur digitala hälsoprofessionella skulle förkroppsligas, synliggjorde på så sätt en konflikt mellan patientens valfrihet och de hälsoprofessionellas professionalism och arbetsrätt, där patienternas trygghet ställdes mot de hälsoprofessionellas trygghet och skydd mot diskriminering.

För att hantera eventuella konflikter mellan vårdgivare och vårdtagare i hur digitala hälsodata ska balanseras krävs ett omfattande etiskt arbete kring hur patientens och vårdens intressen ska balanseras och hur vårdgivande i hemmet via digital hälsoteknik ska hanteras; de digitala vårdgivarna, som exempelvis Like-a-peers mentoragent eller vårdhubotarna i Äkta människor, har således en delikat uppgift i att försöka väga dessa intressen mellan patienten och vården mot varandra.”

In English:

Johan Hallqvist: Human-like technology and the possibly human : An ethnological study of relationships between humans and technology

English abstract can be found here.