Research project: Northern nightmares 1400-2020

Northern nightmares 1400-2020 is an interdisciplinary research project that analyse nightmares and bad dreams drawn from Finnish history and contemporary culture. The research mainly employs concepts and methods derived from cultural and social history and folklore studies. Some information about the research project from the website:

”The research project ”Northern Nightmares 1400–2020”, funded by the Academy of Finland, studies nightmare experiences and the ways in which they have been narrated among populations in Finland. The project explores the circumstances and situations that have been seen as causing nightmares, and attempts to contextualise historically and culturally the bad dreams that have been described in a wealth of different historical and folklore sources. Another important question is the thematic content of bad dreams: what do dream themes tell us about past cultures and the people living in them? Have the themes changed over the course of time, or do people living in the 21st century have similar nightmares as people who lived in Finland centuries ago?”