Panel: Methods for the Climate Crisis

Panel on methods for the climate crisis
Please join us Friday, October 21 for the special event, Methods for the Climate Crisis, hosted by the Rutgers Digital Ethnography Working Group.
In the context of rapidly escalating climate emergencies, we need to do research differently. This panel will address how qualitative researchers can bring values of humanity and collective ethics to bear on large-scale climate and environmental problems; what affordances and limitations are established by digital methods; and what opportunities exist for interdisciplinary practices.
Friday, October 21, 1:00-2:30pm EDT on Zoom —REGISTER HERE
Moderated by Jeff Lane and Melissa Aronczyk, Rutgers University
John Chung-En Liu, Associate Professor of Sociology
National Taiwan University
John Chung-En Liu is an associate professor of sociology at National Taiwan University, and a faculty affiliate in the International Program on Climate Change and Sustainable Development. Previously, he was an assistant professor at Occidental College in Los Angeles and a Postdoctoral Fellow at Harvard Kennedy School. Liu received his Ph.D. in sociology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. His research adopts a sociological perspective to study climate change, especially on how climate change discourses circulate in China’s cyberspace.
Alice Mah, Professor of Sociology
University of Warwick
Alice Mah is Professor of Sociology at the University of Warwick. She holds a PhD in Sociology from the London School of Economics and was Principal Investigator of the large-scale European Research Council project “Toxic Expertise: Environmental Justice and the Global Petrochemical Industry” from 2015-2020. Her research focuses on environmental justice, corporate power, and the politics of green industrial transformations, which are the subjects of her two most recent books: Plastic Unlimited: How Corporations are Fuelling the Ecological Crisis and What We Can Do About It (Polity, 2022) and Petrochemical Planet: Multiscalar Battles of Industrial Transformation (Duke University Press, forthcoming).
Adrienne Russell, Mary Laird Wood Professor and co-director of the Center for Media, Journalism and Democracy in the Department of Communication
University of Washington
Adrienne Russell is Mary Laird Wood Professor and co-director of the Center for Media, Journalism and Democracy in the Department of Communication, University of Washington. Her research and teaching focus on the intersections of journalism, technologies and social issues. Her forthcoming book, The Mediated Climate (Columbia 2023), examines the overlapping climate and information crises. She is the author of Networked: A Contemporary History of News in Transition (Polity 2011) and Journalism as Activism: Recoding Media Power (Polity 2016). She is co-editor of the volumes Rethinking Media Research for Changing Societies (Cambridge 2021), Journalism and the NSA Revelations (Reuters 2017), and International Blogging: Identity, Politics and Networked Publics (Peter Lang 2009). Her research has been published in the top journals, and she is co-editor of “2K,” a special section of Social Media + Society that is dedicated to public scholarship related to media and technology.
Brittany Schaefer, Project Manager
Civic Laboratory for Environmental Action Research (CLEAR)
Brittany (she/her) is a settler of European descent living on and working remotely from Dish with One Spoon territory. As a researcher, she is interested in human-environment relations and ways of doing science better; specifically, human-nature relations, interdisciplinary collaborations, and feminist approaches to knowledge production. Brittany is participating in this panel as a representative of CLEAR, an interdisciplinary, feminist, anti-colonial lab located in St. John’s, NL on the ancestral homelands of the Mi’kmaq and Beothuk.