Call for Editorial Secretary and two Subeditors for Ethnologia Fennica

Ethnologia Fennica, a journal of European ethnology published by the Association of Finnish Ethnologists (Ethnos ry) is looking for Editorial Secretary and two Subeditors for the next 3-year period (2024–2026). Ethnologia Fennica is an English language journal that publishes original scholarly articles, review articles, congress reports and book reviews that promote ethnological research. The articles undergo double-blind peer review. The journal is published twice a year. Starting from vol. 43 (2018), the journal has been published online with full open access. For more information, see:

The editorial tasks of Editorial Secretary and Subeditors are suited for PhD students and the candidates are expected to hold MA in ethnology or related disciplines. Both tasks offer valuable academic merits and a unique view to contemporary ethnological research and international scholarly publishing.

Editorial Secretary needs to hold good communication skills in both Finnish and English. Experience of editing scientific texts is beneficial, but the new Secretary will be trained to participate in the editorial process and in the use of Open Journal Systems (OJS) platform. An annual compensation of 500 euros is granted for the task.

The tasks of Subeditors include editing of book reviews and conference reports, commentaries, and news, and tasks related to communication. Experience of editing scientific texts is beneficial but not mandatory. For the position you will need to have good language skills in English. Subeditors are not paid.

Written applications (one page) with a CV including a list of publications (max. 2 pages) attached can be sent to EF(@) before the end of October 2023. For further questions we encourage you to contact the current Editors-in-Chief Maija Mäki (maija.j.maki(@) and Kirsi Sonck-Rautio (kirsi.m.sonck(@)