and the way forward for digital tradition archives in Europe

How much do you know about European digital tradition archives? Welcome to this one-day seminar.

Den 27. september arrangerer vi en internasjonal workshop med tittelen ” og veien videre for digitale tradisjonsarkiver i Europa”. Dette er en fysisk workshop i Bergen, med påmelding.

Registration deadline
15.09.2024 – 23.59


08.45-9.00 Coffee
9.00-11.00 Introducing SAMLA
9.00-9.15 Welcome: Kyrre Kverndokk, University of Bergen
9.15-09.45: What is SAMLA?: Kyrre Kverndokk, University of Bergen
09.45-10.15: Developing SAMLA: Behind the Scenes: Robert Paulsen and Tone Merete Bruvik, University Library of Bergen
10.15.-10.45: The HTR Experience: Therese Foldvik, University of Oslo
10.45-11.00 General discussion
11.00-12.00 lunch The way forward for tradition archives I
12.00-12.10 Introduction
12.10-12.25: Dúchas: Jonny Dillon, University College Dublin
12.25-12.40 Garamantas: Sanita Reinsone, University of Latvia
12.40-12.55: The Filter Project on Finnic Oral Poetry: Mari Väina, Estonian Literary Museum
12.55-13.15 Break The way forward for tradition archives II
13.15-13.30 Folke: Fredrik Skott, The Swedish Institute for Language and Folklore
13.30-13.45 ISEBEL: Tim Tangherlini, UC Berkeley and Peter Broadwell, Stanford Libraries
13.45-14.00 Beyond Sagnagrunnur: Trausti Dagsson, The Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies General discussion
14.15-14.30 Why Digital Archives? Concluding Remarks: Susanne Österlund-Pötzsch, Society of Swedish Literature in Finland