Digital Research: Methods and Perspectives in the Humanities and Social Science, 7.5 credits

Humlab and DIGSUM at Umeå University invite PhD students to take part in our PhD course Digital Research (7.5 credits). The course runs, in hybrid format (online and on location in Umeå), February and March 2024. Note! You must have approval from your main supervisor in order to attend the course.

The course gives an orientation in digital research within the humanities and social sciences. This orientation is broad, and deals with digital research methods and tools, as well as with issues relating to the digitalisation of society and culture as objects of study. The first part of the course introduces a set of methods and brings attention to issues of digital research ethics, while the second part consists of a number of topical applications. The course is a collaboration between Humlab and Centre for Digital Social Research, DIGSUM.

Last day to register is 10 January 2024.

Find more details here.