Why (queer) History Matters. The Politics of History. International, interdisciplinary conference, Bergen 29–30 August 2022.

Why (queer) History Matters. The Politics of History.
International, interdisciplinary conference, Bergen 29–30 August 2022.

Neglect and erasure of queer history has been the norm in all national histories until quite recently. In this conference we address how this highly problematic practice of history can also enable the eradication of LGBT+ rights in contemporary societies. For, in some places LGBT communities are seen as a national threat while in others, homo-tolerance is instrumentalized to build national self-identity. In both cases, interest in and knowledge of queer history is usually absent. In this conference we therefore ask: How are national histories cleansed of unwanted elements? What role does ignorance and censorship play? Can the lack of knowledge of queer history be fundamental to contemporary oppression of queers? If so, what can be done to preserve and disseminate queer histories?

In this conference we will be offered reflections and examples on how and why queer history matters in different contexts. Norway officially opened its national queer archive in Bergen in 2015, and queer cultural history is slowly starting to appear as a legitimate academic field in line with other academic fields of research also in Norway.

It is also possible to register to follow the conference online.
