Dissertation Defence: Fangar hefðarinnar: Konur og kvenleiki í íslenskum þjóðsögum

Dagrún Ósk Jónsdóttir is defending her dissertation in folkloristics at University of Iceland today, June 7th 2022 14:00-16:00 (GMT/UTC+0). The dissertation is named Fangar hefðarinnar: Konur og kvenleiki í íslenskum þjóðsögum (in english something like: Prisoners of tradition: Women and femininity in Icelandic folktales).

You can follow the dissertation defence online (in english). Read more here.

If you want to read a little bit more about the research in english you can have a look here.

Etnologiskt fältarbete – nya fält och former

Etnologiskt fältarbete – nya fält och former är en nyutkommen antologi som riktar sig till studenter i etnologi och närliggande ämnen. Den erbjuder en introduktion till olika aspekter av etnologiskt fältarbete. Den är indelad i fyra delar som följer en tänkt kronologi för fältarbeten och hur en student arbetar med en uppsats.

Del 1 heter Att komma igång. Där kan man läsa om forskningsfrågor och etik.

Del 2 kallas I fält och kapitlen behandlar institutionsetnologi, kritisk metod och fältarbete utanför nationsgränsen.

Del 3 är Metoder och innehåller kapitel om intervjuer, autoetnografi, observationer, att fältarbeta digitalt samt att använda källor som andra skrivit och samlat.

Del 4 heter Att tolka, skriva och analysera. Här kan vi läsa om etnologiskt skrivande som metod, metodfrågans var, när och hur, samt analys.


Etnologiskt fältarbete – nya fält och former (2022). Redigerad av Kim Silow Kallenberg, Elin von Unge och Lisa Wiklund Moreira. Studentlitteratur.

Små förändringar på sidan

Vi har nu efter att ha varit igång en tid ändrat om en aning i menyn uppe på sidan för att få plast med mer innehåll. Tidskrifter hittas numera under Publikationer, och Insamling har vi lagt in under en flik som heter Forskning. Där skulle vi också gärna samla pågående forskningsprojekt så att man kan få en inblick i vad som händer just nu inom etnologi och folkloristik i Norden på forskningsfronten.

En helt ny flik är Media. Där hittas länkar till streamat innehåll och kanske radioinslag eller podcastar där etnologer eller folklorister medverkat. Också bloggar eller länkar till sociala medier kan nu hittas under fliken Media.

Så är du delaktig i ett forskningsprojekt, har du varit med i något mediesammanhang i egenskap av etnolog eller folklorist eller känner du till en blogg eller sida på sociala medier som skulle vara relevant för etnologer och folklorister i Norden, hör gärna av dig också med detta till etnofolk@abo.fi.


Some small changes to the portal

We have now made some changes to the site. You can now find journals with publications in the menu. We have added two new topics, research (forskning) and media. We hope that we can gather information about ongoing research and also feature events where ethnologists or folklorists have figured in media. You can also find streamed content, blogs and social media pages here.

If you are part on an ongoing research project, have done something related to media, or know about a blog or social media page that would be of interest to ethnologists and folklorists in the Nordic countries, please do not hesitate to contact etnofolk@abo.fi.

Barbro Klein Prize

The Barbro Klein Prize in Nordic and Baltic Folklore is awarded by the Nordic and Baltic Folklore Section to a student for an outstanding conference paper, article-length essay, or research-based media production on a folklore topic having to do with Northern Europe and/or the diasporas of its various peoples.

In order to be considered for the prize, please submit publications (with PDF or Word attachments) to this link:

https://americanfolkloresociety.org/prize-application-form/ by September 15. Please contact Carrie Hertz, carriehertz(@)gmail.com, if you have any questions.


Humlab Talk: Which histories reside in the study of web archives?

Humlab talk: Richard Rogers, University of Amsterdam

When? Thursday June 2nd 2022, 15:15-17:00 CET/UCT +1
Where? On zoom – registration required

Read more and register here.

The talks discusses how different historiographical ways of thinking are embedded in the four dominant approaches to web archiving to date: single-site, events, national and the self. It also discusses approaches that critique but also enliven each historiography. Special attention is given to the tension between the single-site (‘everything’) tradition of the Internet Archive and the national library turn, especially how the past web has become enfolded into the traditions of archival culture and ’old media’, while it still may seek to maintain itself as exceptional, or as novel digital culture. In exploring this tension, the talk examines how particular ideas of how the web is constituted, novel or less so, have effected its capture and recording and will affect its study.

Anakrona livsvillkor: En studie av funktionalitet, möjligheter och begär i den föränderliga svenska välfärdsstaten

Den 3 juni disputerar Christine Bylund i etnologi i Umeå på avhandlingen ”Anakrona livsvillkor: En studie av funktionalitet, möjligheter och begär i den föränderliga svenska välfärdsstaten”. Opponent är Maria Bäckman, Stockholms universitet.

Avhandlingen kan läsas här.

Engelskt abstract:
Since 2009 a decrease in support for dis/abled people provided by the welfare state has taken place. In this process, the concept of family and relationships are both overlooked and central. Cuts of support significantly impact family lives, rendering dis/abled people dependent on their partners, parents, or children. However, little research has been produced about how the needs, wants, and desires of dis/abled people are affected by the changing welfare state.

This thesis examines the connections between the changing forms of support in the welfare state, desire, and relationships through a crip-theoretical understanding of dis/ability and a phenomenological understanding of the welfare state as a structure for orientation in both a practical and existential sense. The material consists of interviews with dis/abled people based on the principle of cross-disability and autoethnographic writing.

The findings show that an ableist discourse shapes the welfare state’s earliest support, resulting in segregation and isolation. These discourses were challenged during the period of deinstitutionalisation and through the passing of the LSS-law in the 1993s but never entirely dismantled. During the contemporary neoliberal austerity politics, it returns, positioning dis/abled people as a societal burden. Due to its intimate nature and its conditioning of everyday life, the relationship to the welfare state can be understood as a relationship of its own. Changes in the welfare state affect the physical and emotional movements, making certain lifestyles and relationships appear possible and others impossible. The thesis contributes to and nuances the previous research on the intersection of welfare state support and services and the practical and existential experiences of dis/abled people in Sweden.


Autonomous Åland. A hundred years of borderwork in the Baltic Sea

In Oktober 2021, Ida Hughes Tidlund publicly defended her academic dissertation for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Ethnology at Stockholm University. The dissertation can be found in diva-portal.

The abstract from diva:

”This dissertation applies an ethnological and long-temporal view of borders. The region of Åland, being an autonomous and demilitarised island territory under Finnish sovereignty, serves as an illuminative case of the work that goes into keeping borders fixed for two reasons. The region being maritime is the first one, and it being in a betwixt position between a state and a province is the second. The study seeks to explore the borders as cultural entities composed by layers – legal, geographical, political and social – and the processes through which the borders have been anchored. As important are the ways in which the borders extend into everyday life by creating a local order that activities relate to. Borders are hence seen as both objects and sources of actions. Seeing borders as objects of action function as an entry into an exploration of how the borders have been objects of continuous work since their establishment in 1921. The idea of them being sources of actions serves as a window into how the borders in numerous ways have influenced everyday life for inhabitants. In order to analyse the work that goes into borders as well as the actions borders cause, the study explores both the authoritative borderwork and how the borders or their effects have been encountered and handled by individuals who live within. The multifaceted view is achieved through a broad material consisting of archived documents, archived ethnological interviews, participant observations and contemporary interviews, in combination with studies of law and publications. Through the use of the phenomenological concept of practico-inert, the study reveals both how borders are outcomes of incessant human actions, and how they create an undisputable structure for individuals to observe and relate to, but not necessarily obey. In summary, the study contributes with a detailed description of how bordered places are created, and how individuals navigate the structures that they live within. ”

Call for abstracts: Ethnologia Scandinavica

To the 2023 edition of the journal Ethnologia Scandinavica we now welcome article proposals.

The editors receive proposals in abstract format until the 10th of june. Provided that the proposals are accepted, we look forward to a complete script 1st of November when a review process starts.
Ethnologia Scandinavica is ranked level 2 on the so-called Norwegian list, as well as the Finnish scientific community’s counterpart. ES is also approved for the European reference index for the humanities and social sciences (ERIH PLUS).
Welcome with your article suggestions!
Lars-Eric Jönsson (editor in chief)

Inför 2023 års upplaga av tidskriften Ethnologia Scandinavica välkomnas nu förslag på artiklar.

Redaktionen tar till och med 10 juni emot förslag i abstract-format. Under förutsättning att förslagen accepteras ser vi fram emot ett komplett manus 1 november då en granskningsprocess tar vid.
Ethnologia Scandinavica är rankad på nivå 2 på den s.k. norska listan, liksom på det finska vetenskapliga samfundets motsvarighet. ES är också godkänd för European reference index for the humanities and social sciences (ERIH PLUS).
Välkommen med artikelförslag!
Lars-Eric Jönsson (huvudredaktör)
