månadsarkiv: augusti 2023

Humlab Talk: Doing old-fashioned (field)work in new social spaces

When? Thursday 9 November, 2023 at 10:00 – 12:00
Where? Humlab / ZOOM

This talk is a collaboration between Humlab and ethnology (the department of culture and media studies) at Umeå University.

This talk will discuss the advantages of taking old wisdoms with us when doing fieldwork online. In ethnology, folklore and related fields, we have long and established modes of handling ”the field”. We have scholarly traditions of doing qualitative interviews, of participant observation, ”being there” and taking notes in all kinds of contexts where people live their lives. With social platforms online having become ingrained in everyday life, we as researchers have moved where our informants have taken us: to chatrooms and forums, comment sections and social media. We are inventing new ways of doing our work as we go: the affordances of the media do for instance make it easier to add quant to our qual. However, I argue that much of our old truths of fieldwork still stands in the new online surroundings.

Read more and sign up here.


Tolgensbakk, Ida holds a PhD in cultural history and is senior curator at the Norwegian Museum of Cultural History. She has a particular interest in Nordic migration history, but has written on such diverse topics as digital activism, internet memes as genre, and kebab. Orcid: 0000-0002-9580-6992

What’s left to discuss?

This talk is part of the seminar series ”What’s left to discuss? Methodological approaches and qualitative methods in times of transformations”.

Associate Professor in Cultural Studies at University of Bergen

The Department of Archaeology, History, Cultural Studies and Religion at the University of Bergen invites applications for a permanent position as Associate Professor in Cultural Studies.

The Bergen version of Cultural Studies focuses on everyday culture in past and present. The discipline is embedded in the academic traditions of Ethnology and Folkloristics, which have a particular focus on Nordic cultures. Research is carried out in combination with teaching on bachelor, master and PhD-level. Currently there are 6 permanent positions in Cultural Studies.

Read more here

Deadline for application: 1 October 2023

Rettigs forskningsstipendium

Kungliga Vitterhetsakademien utlyser fyra stipendier för att stödja forskare inom humaniora och samhällsvetenskap. Målet med utlysningen är att underlätta bruk av samlingarna vid arkivet och biblioteket.

Rettigs forskningsstipendier riktar sig till projekt som har nytta av de fysiska samlingarna vid Riksantikvarieämbetets arkiv och Vitterhetsakademiens bibliotek.

Forskningsstipendiet består av en engångssumma om 100 000 kronor och kan sökas av juniora forskare (på doktorand- och postdoktorinivå) inom arkeologi, historia, konsthistoria, arkitektur, idéhistoria, bokhistoria, kulturarvsstudier, numismatik och besläktade ämnen. Den sökande måste ha en anknytning till en nordisk forskningsinstitution.

Ansökningar tas emot mellan 1 september och 15 oktober 2023.

Hitta den fullständiga utlysningen här.

The Rettig Research Fellowship

The Royal Swedish Academy of History, Letters and Antiquities is pleased to offer Short-Term Research Fellowships to support scholars in arts, humanities, and social sciences. The fellowship is intended to support projects that will benefit from research conducted primarily on-site at the archive and library of the Swedish National Heritage Board, drawing from the institutions’ collections.

The stipend consists of a one-time amount of SEK 100,000 and can be awarded to junior scholars (PhD candidates and postdoctoral researchers) pursuing research relating to archaeology, history, arts, architecture, history of ideas, book history, cultural heritage studies, numismatics, or adjacent fields. An affiliation to a research institution in the Nordic countries is required.

Applications may be submitted between 1 September 2023 and 15 October 2023.

Find the full call for applications here.

FemHum symposium: Humor på allvar 4-5 december 2023

När? Måndag 4 december till tisdag 5 december, 2023 kl. 00:00 – 00:00
Var? På Zoom

FemHum (feministiska humorforskare) arrangerar det tredje symposiet om humor, den här gången med temat Humor på allvar. Forskare från olika discipliner med intresse för humor har möjlighet att diskutera forskning och knyta kontakter.

Symposiets upplägg

En keynote, forskningspresentationer (alltifrån forskning som är på idéstadiet till forskningsresultat) och diskussioner om framtida möjligheter för humornätverket.


Krigsmemes: Den amplifierande rollen av TikTok-memes för informationsspridning i krig av Moa Eriksson Krutrök, universitetslektor i medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap, Umeå universitet.

Viktiga datum

1 november sista datum för anmälan av bidrag.

13 november sista datum för anmälan, utan presentation.

16 november program publiceras.

27 november zoom-länk skickas ut

Anmälan samt mer information hittas här.

XII Ethnology Days: Call for panels

XII Ethnology Days in Helsinki, 14–15 March 2024


Giving voice to research participants has been a central, albeit criticized, principle in ethnological research. Making different experiences visible and bringing them into dialogue with one another is an important goal for ethnologists. ‘Small’ topics and everyday perspectives are familiar to other fields in cultural studies as well. Highlighting everyday life and the practices of everyday life is the basis for the social impact of cultural studies.

Researchers, research participants, those who apply research methods and results, and other interested parties all possess unique voices. The meanings of our research change and can be re-evaluated in different contexts and over long periods of time. For us researchers, it is important to understand the ways in which we influence the world through our studies. Where and how are the voices of our research heard? Whose voices are heard, and who listens to them? What kind of research is valuable? Can research be too ‘small’ to be heard and considered beyond academia? At Ethnology Days 2024, we will reflect on the voices of ethnological research – strong and muted, empathetic and critical, constructive and challenging – both in the past and today.

We invite proposals for panels that consider different perspectives, discussions and temporalities related to the topic of research impact. The panels can cover, for example, the different ways and contexts of influencing others with our studies; research visibility in traditional or social media; and the construction and demolition of ideas, understandings and identities within research and heritage work.

In addition, we are interested in the voices within research and heritage processes. What kind of voices we hear, identify or interpret in fieldwork, research materials or heritage work? What methods can we use to make different voices heard? Are some voices ignored, and what do the silences tell us? Make your voice heard, and send your panel proposal (max. 350 words abstract) by 15.9.2023 to Seminar Secretary Salli Ritola, email: seminarsecretary(a)ethnosry.org


Fataneh Farahani is a professor of ethnology in the Department of Ethnology, History of Religions and Gender Studies at StockholmUniversity. The distinctive contributions of her work include applying gender and sexuality to the field of migration studies, integrating race and translocational understandings in the field of masculinities studies, analysing the field of epistemology and knowledge production through the lens of race and gender, and integrating critical race and whiteness studies in the study of hospitality and hostility within the field of migration.

Sharon Macdonald is the Alexander von Humboldt professor of social anthropology at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, where she directs the Hermann von Helmholtz Centre for Cultural Techniques. She has worked on the practices and politics of memory, heritage and identity, especially in Europe. Her recent research has included examinations of how much we can keep collecting from the past, of how diversity and difference are – and could be – dealt with in museums, and of the potential of artistic approaches in ethnographic work on heritage.

Tytti Steel is an ethnologist and docent (associate professor) at theUniversity of Helsinki. In her research, she has focused on variousaspects of working life. She has a special interest in gender research, intersectionality and action research. Currently, she is working on two projects: (1) the post-pandemic work situations of healthcare workers with minority backgrounds and (2) gig work and the platform economy within the cultural sector.

Várdduo seminar with Kenna Sim

When? Tuesday 22 August, 2023 at 13:30 – 15:00
Where? Fatmomakke floor 4 NBET / Zoom

Welcome to a Várdduo seminar with Kenna Sim

Movement is Foundational: Indigenous Perspectives on Climate Mobilities
Kenna Sim, PhD at LiU

Migration and movement, including displacement, planned resettlement, and immobility, are often identified as one of the largest future impacts of climate change. In mainstream climate adaptation frameworks, climate migration is commonly perceived as a contemporary phenomenon that is severed from historical, political, social, and economic contexts, including ongoing processes of racial capitalism and colonial dispossession. Further, it has only recently been acknowledged in mainstream research on migration, resettlement, and climate change that Indigenous peoples have long-standing traditions of mobility and movement that differ from common understandings of migration.

All interested are welcome to participate!
The seminar will be held both on site in Fatmomakke NBET level 4 and on Zoom. Those who want to participate via zoom register here, link will be sent out the day before the seminar.

Nessling Foundation’s general call

In the general grant call, we are looking for innovative projects and active researchers that enable or support sustainability transformations that protect natural systems.

We provide funding for projects that contribute to the Nessling Foundation’s mission to seek systemic solutions for an ecologically sustainable future.

In the general grant call, we award funding for three purposes. You can apply for:

  • personal grants for doctoral thesis researchers (for a maximum of 4 years)
  • personal grants for post-doc researchers (for a maximum of 2 years)
  • grants for implementation projects where research is put into practical use through cooperation between the producers and users of knowledge.

Nessling Foundation’s general call is open 14 August–8 September 2023.

Read more here.

Påminnelse: Symposium: Folkligt skrivande 1750-1950 – Dagböcker som källor till vardagligt liv och emancipatoriskt skrivande

Välkommen till symposiet Folkligt skrivande 1750-1950: Dagböcker som källor till vardagligt liv och emancipatoriskt skrivande!

Från senare delen av 1700-talet började vanligt folk att skriva ned dagshändelser i almanackor, dagböcker, notisböcker och journaler. Därigenom skapades källor som berör människors vardagliga erfarenheter och levnadsomständigheter, men också källor till den allmänna skriftkulturens framväxt i breda lager, olika skriftpraktiker, språklig variation och social emancipation. De kan också vara källor gällande klimat, markanvändning, ekologiska system och krishantering.

Under symposiet ger vi exempel på hur dagböcker används i forskning och vi diskuterar även hur vi kan göra dessa källor tillgängliga digitalt.

Vi välkomnar intresserade i alla skeden av sin karriär och oberoende av vetenskaplig inriktning att delta, och vi erbjuder ett forum för diskussion, nya idéer, perspektiv och kontakter. Symposiet inklusive middag 4.10 och lunch 5.10 samt kaffe båda dagarna är gratis för alla deltagare.

Mer information samt anmälan hittas på hemsidan.

Sista anmälningsdag 31 augusti 2023