Nordic Voices Seminar and Workshop: Oral histories, life stories and analysing significance in museums

Seminar and workshop: Oral histories, life stories and analysing significance in museums, October 5-7, 2023, Arcanum (Arcanuminkuja 1), University of Turku

The NOS-HS workshop series NORDIC VOICES: The use of oral history and personal memories in public history settings explores the use of personal narratives in museums and other cultural institutions in ethically, culturally and socially sustainable ways using participatory methods and future-oriented methods.

The presentations, workshop and excursions are open for all including students. The seminar is free of charge. NOTE! Registration for the seminar and excursions ends September 25th. Please, register here:

The keynotes will be streamed. The link will be announced later on the Nordic Voices website. For updates in the program and further information see:


Thursday 5.10.2023
10.00-10.15 (Lecture hall Aava, Arcanum) Welcome Words: Professor Anne Heimo
10.15-11.30 Keynote I: Professor Paula Hamilton (UTS, Sydney): ”Intimate publics? Memory and remembering in Museums” (Chair: Anne Heimo)
11.30-13.00 Lunch (self-paid)
Excursion to Luostarinmäki open air museum (requires registration)
13.00-14.00 Curator Maiju Tuisku (Museum Centre of Turku): ”Stories from the outskirts of the town: rewriting the museum exhibitions”
14.00-15.00 Guided tour of museum

Friday 6.10.2023
10.15-11.30 Keynote II (Lecture hall Aava, Arcanum): Professor Ene Kõresaar (University of Tartu): ”Revisiting the Use of Life Stories in the Museum: a Baltic Perspective” (Chair: Helena Ruotsala)
11.30-13.00 Lunch (self-paid)
13.00-17.00 Workshop and learning café (Luoma, Arcanum): Dynamic museums and heritage future collection (requires registration)
Development director, Professor of Practice Leena Paaskoski (The Finnish Forest Museum Lusto / University of Jyväskylä) & Museum educator Asta Vaittinen (The Finnish Forest Museum Lusto)
Museum Director Joanna Kurth ( Kokkola Museum)
Lecturer of Museum Studies Maija Mäki (University of Turku)

Saturday 7.10.2023
All-day excursion to Paimio Sanatorium (requires registration)