Try out kayaking the 17th or 19th of September

This is a trial session for those who have never kayaked before. We paddle at a slow pace so that everyone can keep up, regardless of previous experience.

Requirements to participate: You must be able to swim

Safety on the water is the highest priority, and on land, we will instruct how to perform self-rescue and buddy rescue in case of an accident. The leaders are equipped with safety equipment, in case someone capsizes or needs towing assistance.

During the trial session, we will go through the following:

  • Overview/adjustment of kayak and equipment
  • Instruction on getting in and out of the kayak
  • Overview of the basics of kayaking
  • Instruction on safety and paddling techniques
  • Tips and advice during paddling from the instructor

Jenny Teir serves as an instructor alongside Anki Stenkull-Aura. Jenny is a teacher at Vasa övningsskola and is studying to become a wilderness guide with a specialization in kayaking.

There are a few places left – Register here below…

Tuesday the 17th of September at 18-19:30  Group 2

Thursday the 19th of September at 16:30-18 Group 1

Thursday the 19th of September at 18 – 19:30Group 2

Welcome to a new academic year with ÅAU Sports

Summer is coming to an end and autumn is knocking on the door!

On  the 1st of September -24, a new year starts within ÅAU Sports. It is now possible to buy the membership for 24-25. You can buy your membership HERE

The price of the membership has unfortunately risen a little, but we can please you that we can now offer another full day at WSC. In addition to the whole Tuesday and Sunday tour from 16-20 (Body Combat and the later hour Body Pump) you now also have the opportunity to train at WSC all Friday, both in the gym and in guided sessions.

We will also continue the collaboration with Danceschool Kipinä and the sport service at Vaasa University, so the schedule will be filled with even more activities in the coming weeks.

A warm welcome to a new year!

The well-being week is organized 8–14 April in connection with the national week for mental health among students

On the occasion of the national week for mental health among students, ÅAU Sports offers its student-members some extra activities. According to research, physical activity is a good way to prevent mental nausea and in this way ÅAU Sports wants to contribute to draw attention to this week.

You can take part in this;

(NOTE! You must be able to prove your membership with the ÅAU Sports tag and current sticker)

Try ÅAU Sports’ led activities (classes in the schedule)

During the week, you can bring a fellow student and train to one of the sessions led by ÅAU Sports. Maybe you try something new together. ATTENTION! Only applies to the activities in the schedule.

Work out at Wasa Sports Club

Throughout the week, you can train at the Wasa Sports Club during the hours when the reception is open. Both in the gym and in led hours. Check out their led hours HERE.  Mon-Fri at 10am-8pm, Sat at 10am-2pm, Sun at 4pm-8pm.

Swimming in Vaasa Swimminghall

Throughout the week (Mon-Fri) you can swim, train, take part in water aerobic in the Vaasa swimming pool. Opening hours: Mon and Wed 6:30-19:45, Tue 8-19:45, Thu at 8-18:45, Fri 8-17. The swimminghall is closed during the weekend because of swimming competitions.

Bowling at Cinema Bowling

Wednesday 10.4 at 16-17 you can come and bowl at Cinema Bowlingen at Handelsesplanaden 18. Binding registration as places are limited. Sign up HERE

Climbing at Wasa Up

Monday and Friday between 15-21.

Dancemix at danceshool Kipinä – still some places available

Tonight at 8:30pm the dance course Dancemix starts in collaboration with the dance school Kipinä – there are still a number of places available. The dance course of 8 sessions is therefore free for you as a student ÅAU Sports member. Register for the dance course HERE

It may look like you need to pay, but dare to go further in the registration and it will appear on the following page where you must fill in a code; åausports and then the course will be free. A warm welcome!

You will have to show your tag and the ÅAU Sports sticker at the start of the dance-class.

Try out winterbath

Try a winter bath
There is now the opportunity to try winter swimming. In collaboration with the Vasa Pingviner ry, we get the opportunity to try basting and take a dip in the ice wake that they keep open all year round. Free for members of ÅAU Sports. The following dates and times are available. ATTENTION! Limited number of seats! Register for 1 occasion only. If there are then free times, you can try one more time.