
Due to the rapidly increasing spread of the Corona virus, the so-called Corona group at Vaasa Medical District has decided that ALL universities , vocational schools and upper secondary schools in Vaasa will from today be closed and all teaching takes place on distance. The university of Åbo Academy is currently closed to both students and staff and they are now discussing what will happen in the future.
For this reason, we are for the time being inhibiting all activities that have taken place IRL; Outdoor F.I.T on Monday, floorball on Tuesday and Thursday, Soccer on Wednesday, Rugby for ladies on Thursday, Frisbee golf on Friday, Karate on Sunday and the IRL opportunity for Hatha yoga on Sunday.
I will return with more info as soon as we receive new directives from the university. Read more about Vaasa Medical District’s new updated recommendations and follow them. The information hasn´t come in english yet, but take a look at the swedish version.

At the office week 40

This week (40) I will be at the office on Thursday the 1st of October from 9-14.45.

If you have payed the ÅAU Sports memberfee and would like to pick up the WSC-tag and the ÅAU sports decal – you can also pick it up at Wasa Sports Club.

Excercise campaign a la Corona autumn 2020

On Monday, 21.9, this year’s exercise campaign for students at University starts. Why should you join? Well, in addition to feel better and becoming more efficient in your studies and hopefully meeting new friends through exercise – you can also get a very special tail mark.
How does this work? Yes – for each exercised quarter (15min) you get 2p or 4p. Lighter exercise gives 2 points and more physically strenuous exercise gives 4p. So if you are out running for an hour and it feels physically strenuous, you have collected 16p. If you go out and walk with a friend for 1.5 hours (light exercise – it does not feel so hard), you have collected 12 points.
You can also get BONUS points if you participate in ÅAU Sports’ activities (3p / walk) and if you, for example, cycle / walk from home to campus and back every day. If the transport distance takes 15 minutes or more and you do this at least 4 times / week, you get – in addition to the points you collect when you walk / bike between home and campus – 10 extra bonus points / week.
If during these two months that the campaign is running, you collect 200 points – you will receive a haul mark corresponding to Exercise Gulis, 600p – Exercise candidate and 1200p – Exercise master.
Follow ÅAU Sports blog, ÅAU Sports FB and Instagram as well as ÅAS pages – where you can when the campaign starts – download a table where you fill in your points.

Canceled activities

The weather won´t be with us. They have warned on the weatherforecast that it will be storm today, Wednesday and tomorrow, Thursday – so we inhibit both soccer today and rugby for ladies tomorrow.