Yoga online

Apply for membership in the Facebook group Boho Yoga University and take part in many, varied yoga classes that are arranged specifically for university students.

Today, Wednesday the 14th of October, Chakra voice meditation is arranged at 17 (eng) and Deep body care at. 18.

The gym in Vasa Swimminghall is closed until the 31th of October

Please note that Vaasa Swimminghalls gym is closed until 31.10.2020

As of 19.9.2020, the 25m pool and the children’s pool are out of use until further notice due to maintenance work.

In the 50 m pool, all courses are 25 m from 21.9.2020 – 1.11.2020

(taken from Vasa Swimminghall’s website, 12.10.2020, at 19.00)

Online classes also at WSC

It is now possible to take part of different classes online at Wasa Sports Club.

The information on their website is only in Swedish or Finnish so I give you the Swedish version. You can find the possibility to online classes on their Facebook-site. And of course can you join other days than Tuesdays.

Nya schemat finns nu på —> se veckans schema. Där kan du följa med streamade pass .42. Observera att streamade pass kan du också delta i på WSC!
Streamningen på Facebook och Instagram.
Vi meddelar i god tid på vilken kanal det finns.
Tack för er förståelse!
Vi gör vårt bästa att vi kan erbjuda er möjligheten att träna tryggt i dessa tider.
Stay safe!


Yesterday, a decision was made at the University of Åbo Akademi, in line with the recommendations that the Vaasa Health Care District issued the day before. All teaching takes place at a distance and all staff are also referred to distance work. This means that ÅAU Sports’ all led activities are inhibited w. 41 and 42. Even though both WSC and Vaasa swimming pool are open, I would request you all to be careful. The sooner we get control of the spread of infection, the sooner we can return to a more normal everyday life. During these two weeks, feel free to take a walk or a bike ride and if you have cold symptoms, take it seriously and stay at home. Together we fix this ❤

Latest on the newpaper about the Corona-situation

The newpaper in Vaasa has reported that people that have been tested positive with Covid -19 has visited including Wasa Sports Club in Tuesday, the 29th of September. Please stay alert on how you feel.
 From the papers homesite:
Här har coronasmittade personer befunnit sig
Wasa Sports Club: Måndag 28.9, tisdag 29.9 och onsdag 30.9 klockan 18–19.30.
Restaurang Cotton Club: Onsdag 30.9 klockan 12–12.30.
Vasa universitets tysta läsesal: Måndag 28.9, tisdag 29.9 och onsdag 30.9 under varierande tider klockan 8–17.”