About the floorball tonight

Our floorball leader has the flu, but it’s ok for you to go and play on your own. Floorballs, goalkeeping equipment, vests and extra clubs are in locker number 40. The key is at the checkout.

If you like floorball and want to join the whatsapp group – send your phone number to Malik + 358-40-32 71 760

All activities that are held i Academill is back

All activities that are usually held in Academill are back from next week (8).

That is;

Streetdance in the drama-class on Monday

Hatha Yoga in the drama-class on Monday (can also be followed online via Zoom)

Karate for both beginners and more advanced in the sportshall on Tuesdays and Thursdays


Ski tracks on the ice

Now it is possible to ski in ski tracks on the ice! The tracks for classic ski style have been drawn along the beach
More detailed information about where all the ski trails that the city of Vaasa maintains are and in what condition they are


Today ÅAU Sports offers PT-guidning at Wasa Sports Club, karate and futsal

A lot is happening today! Tuesday training as usual at Wasa Sports Club

There is room for more participants in Edith’s PT group at Wasa Sports Club. If you are interested in getting help to get started with gym training, this is the group for you. Edith is a trained PT and can help you with valuable tips and give you inspiration for various exercises. For registration – contact Edith + 358-44-083 0050.

Karate for both beginners and more advanced level starts again tonight at 19-20 at the Studio at Wasa Up. Entrance from Strandgatan 2, about 20 meters from Academill´’s entrance towards the Palosaaren direction. A warm welcome!

Futsal will be held in the Tennis Center on Tuesdays for a few weeks. From 21-22 we play for fun. Join us!

Rugby for women will start next Tuesday, the 22nd of February in Palosaaren koulu.

Show consideration

Even though society today is opening up, covid-19 is still among us. If you feel sick and have cold symptoms – stay home. Even if you think that an illness for your own part would not be so dangerous, there may be people in your vicinity with underlying diseases that can be affected much more – so show consideration!

More activities opens up – attention in other places than usually

From week 7 and Valentine´s day, more activities start.

Monday the 14th of February at 20: 00-21: 30 Pinja will hold Hatha yoga both IRL in the yoga studio at Wasa Up, which is next door to Academill (entrance from Strandgatan´s side) and online. check the shedule.

On Tuesday we will offer both futsal in the Tennis Center, karate in the studio at Wasa Up and hopefully also Rugby for ladies in Palosaaren koulu in Brändö. Follow us here!