
Due to the rapidly increasing spread of the Corona virus, the so-called Corona group at Vaasa Medical District has decided that ALL universities , vocational schools and upper secondary schools in Vaasa will from today be closed and all teaching takes place on distance. The university of Åbo Academy is currently closed to both students and staff and they are now discussing what will happen in the future.
For this reason, we are for the time being inhibiting all activities that have taken place IRL; Outdoor F.I.T on Monday, floorball on Tuesday and Thursday, Soccer on Wednesday, Rugby for ladies on Thursday, Frisbee golf on Friday, Karate on Sunday and the IRL opportunity for Hatha yoga on Sunday.
I will return with more info as soon as we receive new directives from the university. Read more about Vaasa Medical District’s new updated recommendations and follow them. The information hasn´t come in english yet, but take a look at the swedish version.

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