Latest on the newpaper about the Corona-situation

The newpaper in Vaasa has reported that people that have been tested positive with Covid -19 has visited including Wasa Sports Club in Tuesday, the 29th of September. Please stay alert on how you feel.
 From the papers homesite:
Här har coronasmittade personer befunnit sig
Wasa Sports Club: Måndag 28.9, tisdag 29.9 och onsdag 30.9 klockan 18–19.30.
Restaurang Cotton Club: Onsdag 30.9 klockan 12–12.30.
Vasa universitets tysta läsesal: Måndag 28.9, tisdag 29.9 och onsdag 30.9 under varierande tider klockan 8–17.”

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