Early Scholars’ Workshop – Monday May 10th

Early Scholars’ Workshop – Monday May 10th 


WORKSHOP 1: 10:00–11:30

Chair: Mikko Vesterinen

Discussant: Hanna-Mari Kivistö (University Teacher, University of Jyväskylä)

Maria Annala: Trumpin hyökkäys demokratiaa vastaan: Vaalivilppimallin kehittelyä

Mikko Tujula: Tulevaisuusverstaan mahdollisuudet kouludemokratian toteuttamisen välineenä 

Teemu Lari: Tiedollisten arvojen vaikutus tieteelliseen pluralismiin ja tiedon poliittisuuteen

WORKSHOP 2: 12:00–13:30

Chair: Aino Tiihonen

Discussant: Elina Kestilä-Kekkonen (Tenure Track Professor, Tampere University)

Veikko Isotalo

Mikko Vesterinen: Puolueiden alue- ja kaupunkipolitiikka 2010-luvulla

Jenni Sipilä: Kuntien johtavien viranhaltijoiden kokemuksia poliittisenpäätöksenteon valmistelutyöstä

WORKSHOP 3: 14:00–16:00

Chair: Samuel Lindholm

Discussant: Tapio Raunio (Professor, Tampere University)

Zhen Im: Electoral responses to automation: the conditional impact of employment contracts and social policy solutions

Valeria Caras: Trust in governments during the COVID-19 pandemic: attributing responsibility and revealing the determinants

Svenja Scholz: How to save European democracy?: A frame analysis of the European Commission’s democracy discourse in 2005 and 2020

Marwa Mamdouh-Salem: The Rise of Illiberal Democracies in Post-Revolutionary State


Early Scholars Network – ESN

The Early Scholars Network (ESN) is the Finnish Political Science Association’s platform that connects emerging political scientists from across Finland. We welcome doctoral students/researchers, other early career scholars such as postdocs, and anyone looking to become a researcher in the field of political science. The network operates in English in order to include the maximum number of people.

The platform offers opportunities for networking and presenting your work in relaxed workshops. We also organize informal coffee sessions during which we share information regarding topical issues such as publishing, applying for grants, and academic work. Join our email list and Facebook group in order to receive the latest news about upcoming events.

For more information contact the network coordinators:

Samuel Lindholm     firstname.j.lastname@jyu.fi
Mikko Vesterinen     firstname.lastname@tuni.fi
Aino Tiihonen            firstname.lastname@tuni.fi