Call for Papers

Submit a paper proposal for one of the workshops by 14 March 2021. The paper proposal should include the following: the title of the paper, an abstract (max 300 words), and your contact details. Please submit your proposal directly to the workshop leaders.  

The list of workshops as well as the contact details of the workshop leaders can be found below. 

The authors of the accepted papers will be notified by  31 March 2021. 

For more information about the workshops, please contact the Conference secretary Janette Huttunen (  or the workshop leaders.   


  1. Democratic and Undemocratic Resistance 
  2. Yhdistyneiden kansakuntien legitimiteetti ja ylikansalliset haasteet
  3. Democracy in Middle-Income Countries 
  4. Metsät ja politiikka 
  5. Demokratian ja oikeusvaltion kriisi
  6. Political discourse, colliding futures, and deliberative democracy 
  7. European integration in Finland and beyond 
  8. Tiedon, asiantuntijuuden ja politiikan jännitteiset suhteet 
  9. Poliittisen käyttäytymisen tutkimus 
  10. Sotilaallisen turvallisuuden poliittiset kysymykset (Political Questions of Military Security) 
  11. Democracy in motion – future perspective. 
  12. The credibility of political messages 
  13. Alustatalous – demokratian uudelleen reitittäjä? 
  14. Designed Coupling: linking democratic innovations to traditional sites of power 
  15. Youth political efficacy and civic engagement 
  16. Hegemony in the era of populism – Hegemonia populismin aikakaudella 
  17. The politics of technologychallenges and opportunities for

You can find the contact details of the workshop chairs in the link above.

NB: Proposing a paper to the Early Scholars’ Workshop on Monday 10th of May does not exclude the possibility to propose a paper to another workshop. For more information, see: Early Scholars’ Workshop