Etikettarkiv: presentation

Vårens seminarier

Vi har idag slagit fast datum och innehåll för vårens två DiDiDi-seminarier.

Vårt första seminarium är ett samarbete med projektet ”Ungas rätt till samtal” och äger rum den 15 mars kl 13.00 – 14.45 i Akademisalen, Strandgatan 2, Vasa. Under seminariet ges olika perspektiv på människorättsfostran, samtidigt som information ges om en färsk antologi kring temat (publiceras i mars 2017):

Seminariet är öppet för alla samt streamas och bandas av projekt DiDiDi:

Program (på engelska):

Professor Elina Pirjatanniemi, Åbo Akademi University ”Words as Power, and the Power of Words – Freedom of Expression and Hate Speech”

The aim of the lecture is to discuss the content and limits of freedom of expression with a particular focus on hate speech.

Associate professor Salla Tuori, Åbo Akademi University ”Norm-critical perspectives on gender and raciality in a school context”

In the presentation I will discuss normativity in relation to gender, sexuality and raciality. There are important changes happening in the school context in relation to gender: the new curriculum emphasizes that gender is a spectrum instead of a binary and pupils should not be unnecessarily gendered.

What does this mean in a school context? How does it relate to understandings of gender and sexuality more broadly? I will also discuss raciality and ethnicity which are not in a similar manner examined as power structures and normativities, but rather focus on minorities and pupils with migrant background.

Anmälan här:


I april äger följande seminarium rum, då presenterar ped. stud. Rasmus Walberg sitt pågående graduprojekt: En aktionsforskning om undersökande arbetssätt med digitala verktyg i huslig ekonomi.

Under aprilseminariet får vi även bekanta oss med den publikation som kommer att ges ut med anledning av projekt DiDiDi:s tioåriga verksamhet.

Den 19 april kl 14.30 – 16 är ni välkomna till Vasa övningsskolas auditorium, Kyrkoesplanaden 11-13.

Anmälan här:

/ Linda Ahlbäck

NERA – here we come!

The time has finally come for the NERA conference in Reykjavik on the 6th-9th of March! Presenting DiDiDi is not the easiest task since there is so much going on in the project and everything seems equally important. We only have 20 minutes, so we decided to stick to tablet computers and smart phones in education.

Representing DiDiDi this time is Mia Porko-Hudd and Marléne Johansson who will be talking Talking Tools and how smart phones and upcodes are used in sloyd education. Mårten Björkgren and Elisabet Backlund-Kärjenmäki will present two sub-projects. The Arabic spring – digitally speaking, where teacher students used tablet computers to create YouTube-videos about the Arabic spring. And PPP, where tablet computers were used in Elementary school while reading the book ”Underfors” by author Maria Turtschaninoff. (I will be talking very briefly about my own research, although it has nothing to do with tablet computers.)

The next couple of days we’ll be promoting DiDiDi, hopefully handing out a lot of business cards and networking as much as we possibly can. NERA – we are ready for you!

Our Prezi can be found here.


Charlotta Hilli is a doctoral student in DiDiDi