The program
14.00- 14.15 Welcome words
14.15-14.35 Advances in Process Integration Studies for Novel Biorefinery Concepts
Niloufar Ghavami
14.35-14.55 Gasification and co-gasification of RDf waste for thermal applications and burner design
Sujeetkumar Deore
14.55 – 15.15 Coffee break at Academill
15.15 – 15.35 The transition between laminar and turbulent flow in pipes
Kennet Tallgren
15.35 – 15.55 The use of energy storage to integrate renewable energy in the transition to carbon-neutrality
Sami Lieskoski
15.55 – 16.15 Long Duration Energy Storage
Andreij Selänniemi
16-15 – 16.35 Impact of hydrogen on natural gas compositions to meet engine gas quality requirements
Christina Ingo
16-35 – 17.00 Discussion and closing words