Minority pedagogy

The aim of the research project Språköpedagogik is to create research-based knowledge about the pedagogic and didactic solutions used in different levels of the language islands. The aim is also to create knowledge about the distinguishing features when compared to the research-based knowledge about early childhood education and basic education in Swedish in the other Swedish-speaking areas in Finland.

One of these distinguishing features is the significantly different linguistic background of the pupils and the linguistic landscape in and outside the language islands schools when compared to the other Swedish-speaking areas in Finland.

A deeper understanding about the distinguishing features of the language island pedagogy also adds to the minority pedagogy research in a wider Nordic and international perspective.

More information about minority pedagogy:

Camilla Hansen (2017). Mindretalspædagogik i praksis – en undersøgelse af mindretalspædagogikken i Nord- og Sydslesvig.

Center for mindretalspædagogik


Nordiska nätverket