Fauna as environmental heritage of the Baltic Sea

Welcome to the new school year everyone. We continue to feature entries from the SeaHer Photo Competition. Enjoy!

One of the most important elements of the ecological heritage of the Baltic Sea is its fauna. Over the years, the number of seabirds on the coast has been decreasing, but steadily increasing in cities that are further from the sea. The fact is that now it is much easier for them to find food in numerous garbage containers than to work hard and catch fish in the sea. The constantly increasing amount of garbage produced by all of us can change and is already significantly changing the ecology of entire regions. And there are not enough efforts of states in the field of waste processing. All of us should feel responsible from the moment of purchasing the goods to sending them to the container. After all, carelessly leaving garbage, even for a couple of hours while waiting for transportation, can attract wild animals and birds from their natural habitat to places of waste accumulation as to an open counter with food. Subsequently, all this can be the reason that our beloved sea will become dead and lifeless, like some sandy deserts. The Baltic is much more than just a beautiful view and a nice beach – it is also home to millions of living creatures that depend on you and me.

Published by

Savitri Jetoo

Postdoctoral Fellow

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