Cecilia Ahern: If you could see med now

Cecilia Ahern: If you could see med now. 2005
Pocket (kirppis)

Elizabeth Egan’s life runs on order: Both her home and her emotions are arranged just so, with little room for spontaneity. It’s how she counteracts the chaos of her family—an alcoholic mother who left when she was young, an emotionally distant father, and a siste, lleaving her own six-year-old son, Luke, in Elizabeth’s care. Ivan, Luke’s mysterious new grown-up friend, enters the picture.With his penchant for adventure and colorful take on things large and small, Ivan opens Elizabeth’s eyes to a whole new way of living.

Cecilia Ahern: The Gift

Cecilia Ahern: The Gift. 2008
Pocket (från loppis)

Lou Suffern wishes he could be in two places at once. His constant battle with the clock is a sensitive issue with his wife and family. Gabe wishes he was somewhere warm. When Lou invites Gabe, a homeless man who sits outside his office, into the building and into his life, Lou’s world is changed …a story that speaks to all of us about the value of time and what is truly important in life.

Jag har nu läst/lyssnat på åtminstone följande:
Where Rainbows End (2004)
Thanks for the Memories (2008)
The Gift (2008)
The Book of Tomorrow (2009)
One Hundred Names (2012)
How to Fall in Love (2013)

Cecilia Ahern: Where Rainbows End

ahern rainbowsCecilia Ahern: Where Rainbows End. 2004
Pocketbok köpt på loppis.

Detta är hennes andra bok. Jag har tidigare läst Thanks for the Memories, One Hundred Names,
How to Fall in Love
och The Book of Tomorrow och sett filmen P.S I Love You.

Chick lit är inte riktigt min grej, men Aherns går an – de är inte heller bara roliga, utan har också allvarliga inslag. Men den här var inte en av de bättre utan blev vädigt långrandig (och man blev helt superirriterad hur någon kan vara så dålig på att styra sitt liv!)

Cecilia Ahern: How to Fall in Love

Ahern.phpCecilia Ahern: How to Fall in Love.2013
Chick lit
Hörbok (CD, 9 h 45 min)
Lånad från stadsbiblioteket i Åbo

Adam Basil and Christine Rose are thrown together late one night, when Christine is crossing the Halfpenny Bridge in Dublin. Adam is there, poised, threatening to jump. Adam is desperate – but Christine makes a crazy deal with him. His 35th birthday is looming and she bets him she can show him that life is worth living before then. Despite her determination, Christine knows what a dangerous promise she’s made. Against the ticking of the clock, the two of them embark on wild escapades, grand romantic gestures and some unlikely late-night outings. Slowly, Christine thinks Adam is starting to fall back in love with his life. But has she done enough to change his mind for good? And is that all that’s starting to happen?

Chick lit är nu inte riktigt my cup of tea, men Cecilia Ahern kan jag nu och då läsa/lyssna på, i hennes böcker är det ofta någon liten ”twist” och en lite överraskande utgångspunkt. Den här var kanske inte en av de bättre.