Lucina Riley: Storm Sister

Lucina Riley: Storm Sister. 2015
Ljudbok (BookBeat, 19 h 47 min)

Ally D’Aplièse is about to compete in one of the world’s most perilous yacht races, when she hears the news of her adoptive father’s sudden, mysterious death. Rushing back to meet her five sisters at their family home, she discovers that her father – an elusive billionaire affectionately known to his daughters as Pa Salt – has left each of them a tantalizing clue to their true heritage. Ally has also recently embarked on a deeply passionate love affair that will change her destiny forever. Ally decides to leave the open seas and follow the trail that her father left her, which leads her to the icy beauty of Norway . . There, Ally begins to discover her roots – and how her story is inextricably bound to that of a young unknown singer, Anna Landvik, who lived there over a hundred years before, and sang in the first performance of Grieg’s iconic music set to Ibsen’s play ’Peer Gynt’.


Lucinda Riley: The Seven Sisters

Lucinda Riley: The Seven Sisters. 2014
Ljudbok (BookBeat, 18 h 11 min)
Seven Sisters, del 1.

Maia D’Aplièse and her five sisters gather together at their childhood home–a fabulous, secluded castle situated on the shores of Lake Geneva–having been told that their beloved adoptive father, the elusive billionaire they call Pa Salt, has died. Each of them is handed a tantalising clue to their true heritage–a clue which takes Maia across the world to a crumbling mansion in Rio de Janeiro in Brazil.

Eighty years earlier, in the Belle Époque of Rio, 1927, Izabela Bonifacio’s father has aspirations for his daughter to marry into aristocracy. But Izabela longs for adventure, and convinces him to allow her to accompany the family of a renowned architect on a trip to Paris. In the heady, vibrant streets of Montparnasse, she meets ambitious young sculptor Laurent Brouilly, and knows at once that her life will never be the same again.

Frank McCourt: Magistern/Teacher

Frank McCourt: Magistern/Teacher. 2005
Ljudbok (förkortad 5 h 24 min, BookBeat) + pocket (Toffe har köpt)

Frank McCourt arrived in New York as a young, impoverished and idealistic Irish boy. He joined the New York Public Library and every night when he came back from his hotel work he would sit up reading the great novels. Building his confidence and his determination, he talked his way into NYU and gained a literature degree and so began a teaching career that was to last 30 years, working in New York’s public high schools. Frank estimates that he probably taught 12,000 children during this time and it is on this relationship between teacher and student that he reflects in Teacher Man. At least once a day someone would put up their hand and shout ’Mr. McCourt, Mr. McCourt, tell us about Ireland, tell us about how poor you were…’

Julianne Donaldson: Edenbrooke

Julianne Donaldson: Edenbrooke. 2012

Marianne Daventry will do anything to escape the boredom of Bath and the amorous attentions of an unwanted suitor. So when an invitation arrives from her twin sister, Cecily, to join her at a sprawling country estate, she jumps at the chance. From a terrifying run-in with a highwayman to a seemingly harmless flirtation, Marianne finds herself embroiled in an unexpected adventure filled with enough romance and intrigue to keep her mind racing.


Monica Ali: Brick Lane

Monica Ali: Brick Lane. 2003
Ljudbok (BookBeast 15 h 21 min)

After an arranged marriage to Chanu, a man twenty years older, Nazneen is taken to London, leaving her home and heart in the Bangladeshi village where she was born. As a good Muslim girl, Nazneen struggles to not question why things happen. She submits, as she must, to Fate and devotes herself to her husband and daughters. Yet to her amazement, she begins an affair with a handsome young radical, and her erotic awakening throws her old certainties into chaos.


Ken Follett: Night over Water

Ken Follett: Night over Water. 1991.
Ljudbok (BookBeat, 18 h 41 min) + lite från pocket.

At the outbreak of the Second World War, a mismatched group of passengers flee across the Atlantic to escape Britain. Britain has just declared war against Nazi Germany. In Southampton, the world’s most luxurious airliner, the Pan American Clipper, takes off on its final flight to neutral New York. The passengers aboard the plane each have their own reasons for leaving Britain. Amongst them are an English aristocrat fleeing with his family and a fortune in jewels; a German scientist running away from the Nazis; a murderer returning under FBI escort; a wife escaping her controlling husband; and a devious thief determined to keep his spoils.

Karin Erlandsson: Hem

Karin Erlandsson: Hem. 2022
Ljudbok (5 h 52 min, Åbo stadsbibba)
Uppläsare: Andrea Björkholm

Hem är en kollektivroman där många olika människors livsberättelser avlöser varandra, och där berättelserna blir ett oratorium om hur det är och har varit att leva på Åland.Alltid är det någon som måste bege sig ut på havet, det är alltid någon annan som stannar kvar och är tvungna att förhålla sig till frånvaron. Längtan, oro, lättnad, åtrå, otro – och självständighet. Viktiga episoder i Ålands historia berättas genom skeenden där hemmet står i centrum.

Sophie Kinsella: Shopaholic to the Rescue

Sophie Kinsella: Shopaholic to the Rescue. 2016
Storpocket (från kirppis)

Jag har tydligen inte läst någon av Kinsellas böcker sedan jag började sätta in varje bok i bloggen – de var så roliga då jag började läsa dem, men fungerar de månne fortfarande….?
(Jag lyckas inte komma ihåg vilka alla jag läst, men månne jag hade läst ungefär de sju första – + Remember me, som har annan huvudperson – den minns jag nog)
Och nä, inte orkar jag med de här och inte var den rolig…

Sue Townsend: Number Ten

Sue Townsend: Number Ten. 2002
Pocket (kirppis)

Edward Clare was voted into Number Ten after a landslide election victory. But a few years later and it is all going wrong. He enlists the help of Jack Sprat, the policeman on the door of No 10, and sets out to discover what the country really thinks of him. For the first time in years, the Prime Minister experiences everything life in this country has to offer – an English cream tea, the kindness of strangers, waiting for trains that never come and treatment in a hospital. And at last he remembers some of things he once really cared about . . .


Peter Tremayne: The Council of the Cursed

Peter Tremayne: The Council of the Cursed. 2008
Ljudbok (mp3 11 h)

A Sister Fidelma Mystery of Ancient Ireland (nr 19) .In AD 670 Fidelma is asked to act as an advisor to the Irish delegation to a church council hostile to the Celtic Church. In an abbey in Burgundy, Bishop Leodegar of Autun has assembled church leaders from all over Western Europe. One of the delegates is found murdered, the theft of a priceless reliquary box, the disappearance of women and children, and rumours of a slave trade make this one of the most sinister and deadly puzzles Fidelma and Brother Eadulf have ever faced.