Category Archives: LEPÅ in media

Considerable progress has been made in investigation of child sexual abuse cases in Finland – “disturbingly long” legal processes still an embarrassment

“When the news of the suspicion of a series of child sexual abuse cases in Laajasalo, Helsinki broke on Monday, one startling aspect was the time period”. Read the YLE article, in Finnish, about legal processes in child sexual abuse case in Finland, with an interview with LEPÅ’s Dr Julia Korkman, here.

The way asylum seekers are interviewed can affect the asylum decision

Lepå has recently started a new research project regarding the way interviews with asylum seekers are conducted. Svenska Yle interviewed Julia Korkman, together with legal psychologist Tanja van Veldhuizen from the Leiden University in the Netherlands. Van Veldhuizen who has investigated the reliability assessments in European asylum procedures. Read the article, in Swedish, here.

What makes a child a killer?

Homicides committed by children and adolescents are rare, but there are several in the criminal history of Finland. Read the interview with legal psychologist Tom Pakkanen in Finnish in Iltalehti here.