2 thoughts on “Comics in Digital Environment”

  1. Reading your draft was interesting for me because I don’t know so much about web comics. Your draft is very good structured and understandable. Maybe you could write in your conclusion more about how looks the future of web comics? Grows the community? What are advantages and disadvantages of web comics against normal comics?
    These are some questions imn my opinion which i want to know. But do you really believe if you deposited comics with sound effects and animations that there are still comics or are they something else? I think it can be a hybrid between comics and a movie.
    But your on a very good way and i am looking forward to your final work! 🙂

  2. Since I don’t know if Fredrik is going to post his draft or if he intends to finish this course I thought I would comment on your draft since you were next in line from Fredrik.

    I have to say it is very interesting read and I have to say that I have not considered how the digital medium would affect the comics as a whole. You are right that they have not really changed since the print days and I have rarely seen any multimedia functions in Web Comics. Well maybe in the early 2000 I saw some interactivity in Web Comics but nothing after that.

    Web Comics seem to be less comic books and more like 3 panel strips found in news papers or at least that is my experience. While it is true that the digital space has not really changed the conventions of comics from what they were before the digital space has however changed how artists can freely distribute their own comics without the need of traditional venues. If you want you could mention that Web Comics and the internet as a whole have allowed more artists to show their work for new audiences without the need of publishers. I think the most important thing that has changed isn’t the comic medium itself but the way it is distributed which have opened up possibilities for people that traditionally might not get published in an analog world. Perhaps that is something that could be interesting for a study on how do the traditional comics differ from Web Comics in their content?

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