Parallel Sessions

The parallel sessions during the conference are either characterised as workshops (including more activity by the session participants) or as presentations. During some sessions the language used is English and during others Scandinavian/Danish/Swedish. Thank you for all valuable feedback regarding the parallel sessions. A few changes have been made and a few new parallel sessions have been added to the programme in accordance with the suggestions from conference participants.

The sessions are given in the following themes:

Theme 1: Digitalization and counselling

  • Digitalisering av IT-stödda planeringsverktyg för lärare, studerande och administration (Johan Nyman, Åbo Akademi University)
  • How to create valuable study information and counselling on web (Mona Ægidius and Anne Højegaard-Vibild, Aarhus University)
  • How to do counselling by chat, video session (Ilse Jensen, e guidance, Copenhagen)
  • How to make efficient and effective use of email guidance (Randi Tang Nielsen and Emilie Kolbjørn Jensen, University of Copenhagen)
  • The role of the Modern counsellor (Sarah Lund Petersen and Anne Teglborg,  Aarhus University)

Theme 2: Recruitment, admissions and exchange

  • Förslag till ett nytt tillträdessystem i Sverige – Blev det öppnare och enklare? (Jörgen Tholin, Högskolan i Borås)
  • Supporting international master applicants (Johanna Kärki, University of Turku)
  • Another kind of self-assessment (Line Elleman-Jensen, University of Copenhagen)
  • Promoting Nordic student exchange (Susanne Nylund-Torp, Åbo Akademi University)

Theme 3: First-year experience and student wellbeing

  • Academic and social integration of students through mentoring (Kristoffer Wilhelmsen, UiT The Arctic University of Norway)
  • Early Alert-system – God praxis för genomströmning på Malmö universitet (Dorota Gorna, Malmö universitet)
  • ”Det här var DEN BÄSTA kursen jag NÅGONSIN gått!” – Praktiska organisationspsykologiska råd för att effektivt skapa upplevelser av hög kvalitet inom högre utbildning (Sara Klingsted, University of Helsinki)

Theme 4: Career guidance

  • Career Management Skills: how can we prepare academics for the future labour market (Arts Career, Faculty of Arts, Aarhus University)
  • Labour market information in Career Guidance (Matias Erlund, Åbo Akademi University and Juha Sainio, University of Turku)
  • Social media competence in providing career services (Jaana Kettunen, University of Jyväskylä and Jónína Kárdal, University of Iceland)

Theme 5: Networking

  • Networking – not facilitated – keep an open mind.

Presentation of the sessions

Theme 1: Digitalization and counselling

Digitalisering av IT-stödda planeringsverktyg för lärare, studerande och administration (Johan Nyman, Åbo Akademi University)
IT-verktygen för planering, hantering och uppföljning av studier förnyas för tillfället vid nio universitet i Finland, som alla tar i bruk ett nytt ”ekosystem”. Under sessionen får deltagarna en inblick i processen med digitaliseringen, som sker både internt inom Åbo Akademi, och i samarbete med de övriga universiteten. Därtill demonstreras valda verktyg i ekosystemet, för att visa hur digitaliseringen stöder studier och utbildning både ur studerandes och ur personalens synvinkel.
Language: svenska

Johan Nyman jobbar som projektkoordinator vid forsknings- och utbildningsservice vid Åbo Akademi. Han koordinerar ett flerårigt projekt för förnyandet av de IT-stödda planeringsverktygen för lärare, studerande och universitetsservice.



How to create valuable study information and counselling on web (Mona Ægidius and Anne Højegaard-Vibild, Aarhus University)
Mona Ægidius and Anne Højegaard-Vibild will present the digital main entrance for potential students at Aarhus University and give insights on how to use video and digital counselling for the benefit of the user.
Language: English

Mona Ægidius is a special consultant in digital counselling on web and has many years of experience as an editor-in-chief of Aarhus University’s two main websites regarding potential students. Mona works both strategic and hands-on with recruitment and how to communicate with this target group online.


Anne Højegaard-Vibild is a counsellor and administrative officer specialized in digital counselling. Her focus as a counsellor is career learning and the use of counselling methods and theories within new settings and technology. Anne works both hands-on and strategic with digital counselling on web and social media.



How to do counselling by chat, video session (Ilse Jensen, e guidance in Copenhagen)
Ilse Jensen:
I will give you a presentation of how we use the chat in guidance service. How do we structure it? What is the challenge and benefits in communicating on that media, and how do we make sure, that we keep up the quality of it? We have a wide target group for using the chat, but especially the youngest students prefer the chat media. I will give my input on that, and finally I will also facilitate a small digital workshop with you.
Language: English

Ilse Jensen is working in e guidance in Copenhagen.





How to make efficient and effective use of email guidance (Randi Tang Nielsen and Emilie Kolbjørn Jensen, University of Copenhagen)
Randi Tang Nielsen and Emilie Kolbjørn Jensen from the University of Copenhagen will talk about:

  • how email guidelines and action-oriented email grips can help reduce the return flow on emails
  • how screening on web can increase the degree of reflection in email responses

Language: English

Randi Tang Nielsen
is academic coordinator for guidance counselling and works both strategic and hands-on with counselling.


Emilie Kolbjørn Jensen
works as a counselor with a special focus on digital instructions and graphic support for guidance on the web. They have both worked with guidance for more than 10 years.



The role of the Modern counsellor (Sarah Lund Petersen and Anne Teglborg,  Aarhus University)
The role of the counsellor is evolving rapidly due to reforms, changes in the target group and in IT. Sarah Lund Petersen and Anne Teglborg from Aarhus Universitet will facilitate this workshop on what it takes to be a counsellor today and in the future.

Lanuage: English

Anne Teglborg is head of section for Guidance and Study Information and responsible for student recruitment at Aarhus University. Anne has worked in counselling for 17 years.




Sarah Lund Petersen is a counsellor at Aarhus University. She is the course manager for student counsellors training.




Theme 2: Recruitment, admissions and exchange

Förslag till ett nytt tillträdessystem i Sverige – Blev det öppnare och enklare? (Jörgen Tholin, Högskolan i Borås)
Förslag till ett nytt nationellt tillträdessystem i Sverige presenterades 2017. Regeringen tillsatte 2016 en utredning med uppdrag att göra en översyn av systemet för tillträde till högskoleutbildning som påbörjas på grundnivå och vänder sig till nybörjare, samt lämna förslag till ett öppnare och enklare system. I uppdraget ingick bland annat att se över högskoleprovets roll, meritpoängsystemet, samt analysera och lämna förslag på hur grundläggande behörighet kan uppnås genom arbetslivserfarenhet, oavsett hur den har förvärvats. Jag kommer att presentera utredningens förslag, remissinstansernas synpunkter samt eventuella förslag från regeringen.

Language: svenska

Jörgen Tholin var regeringens särskilda utredare i Tillträdesutredningen. Han är docent i pedagog och prorektor vid Högskolan i Borås, tidigare universitetsdirektör vid Göteborgs universitet.


Supporting international master applicants (Johanna Kärki, University of Turku)
Nordic universities are looking to recruit good applicants from around the world and to do so efficiently active support systems are needed. It also seems that the expectations international master applicants have towards support services are changing and this is leading to universities looking for new and innovative ways to give help and advice. The aim of this interactive workshop is to work together to identify the common challenges and find solutions and ideas that could help universities in developing their support systems. In this session the participants will:

  1. Find common problem areas
  2. Brainstorm ideas and solutions
  3. Discuss best practices

Language: English

Johanna Kärki, International Education Specialist at the University of Turku, is working in the Admission and Student Services developing the recruitment, application and retention processes of international degree students. She also works closely with international applicants finding solutions to various problems applicants face starting from the stage they contemplate the option of studying in Turku to the time they have been accepted and arrive at the university.



Another kind of self-assessment (Line Elleman-Jensen, University of Copenhagen)
The Faculty of Science at the University of Copenhagen have developed a digital self-assessment tool for our potential bachelor students to secure a better match of expectations in the recruitment. The purpose of the tool is to meet the imbalance between the excited expectations of the potential bachelor students and the reality they will meet at the university as new students. It was developed through close cooperation between the academic environment, the communication unit, the study guidance at the faculty and the central administration at University of Copenhagen. The session will:

  1. introduce our approach to the tool and how it diverges from other self-assessments
  2. present the results based on both web statistics and user surveys
  3. discuss further developments and use of this type of self-assessment

Language: English

Line Elleman-Jensen is working as a Study and career guidance counselor at the Faculty of SCIENCE, University of Copenhagen with a professional focus on the study start at the faculty. The last couple of years she has been focusing on matching new students expectations to what they meet at the university – and has led the development of the faculty’s selfassessment tool.


Promoting Nordic student exchange (Susanne Nylund-Torp, Åbo Akademi University)
The benefits with student exchange within the Nordic countries are many, especially considering similar study structures, similar study environments and easy processes for including studies completed at Nordic universities into other Nordic degrees. However, the students are often more interested in exchange periods outside the Nordic countries and outside Europe.

This workshop focuses on questions such as: How could Nordic exchange periods become more attractive for students? What could be done to increase interest?


Susanne Nylund-Torp coordinates student exchanges at Åbo Akademi University in Vasa and is the Nordplus coordinator at ÅAU.

Theme 3: First-year experience and student wellbeing

Academic and social integration of students through mentoring (Kristoffer Wilhelmsen, UiT The Arctic University of Norway)
At UiT – The arctic university of Norway a student-led project which has sought to better integrate first year students in the university environment has run for the last year. Experienced students are being used as mentors to enhance academic skills such as writing and study technique, but also as a «safe base» whom first year students can consult in questions regarding everything from career opportunities to administrative problems and personal difficulties. During this workshop we’ll talk about our experiences with the project and the effects we’ve seen. We’ll discuss both administrative difficulties in running such a program, and potential reasons for the effects we’ve seen.

Language: English

Kristoffer Wilhelmsen: Fifth year student in Clinical Psychology at UiT The Arctic University of Norway and Member of the university board. I’m the former Officer of Academic Affairs for the student union which is how i gained an interest in student-to-student counselling and became manager for the Mentorship project.



Early Alert-system – God praxis för genomströmning på Malmö universitet (Dorota Gorna, Malmö universitet)
Malmö universitet har utvecklat ett universitetsövergripande uppföljningssystem som bidrar till att säkerställa att alla nya studenter som befinner sig i riskzonen erbjuds likvärdigt stöd oavsett vilken fakultet de studerar vid. Studievägledaren har en central roll i detta arbete som bygger på ett brett samarbete inom hela lärosätet.
Language: Scandinavian

Dorota Gorna arbetar som studie- och karriärvägledare och leder ett universitetsövergripande projekt inom Early Alert på Malmö universitet. Dorota brinner för ett aktivt studentengagemang och tycker det är viktigt att studenterna ges möjligheten att involveras i hennes och annan personals ordinarie arbete.




”Det här var DEN BÄSTA kursen jag NÅGONSIN gått!” – Praktiska organisationspsykologiska råd för att effektivt skapa upplevelser av hög kvalitet inom högre utbildning (Sara Klingsted, Helsingfors Universitet)
Hur kan man effektivt skapa upplevelser av engagemang, entusiasm och hög kvalitet inom högre utbildning, och varför lönar det sig att göra det? Hur kan aktiv studentmedverkan påverka kvalitetsupplevelser, och vad har ett fokus på hållbar utveckling att göra med saken?

Under denna workshop får du svar på ovanstående frågor. Utöver detta går vi igenom 6 organisatoriska beteenden inom högre utbildning som direkt kan manipuleras med syftet att öka upplevelser av hög kvalitet. Hur dessa beteenden i praktiken kan se ut i en högskolemiljö demonstreras med ett exempelcase (Centrum för miljö- och utvecklingsstudier vid Uppsala Universitet). Vi diskuterar hur det skulle kunna se ut att tillämpa dessa råd vid just Din enhet. Vi delar även erfarenheter och tips kring förverkligande av aktiv studentmedverkan, inkludering av hållbar utveckling i utbildningar, samt andra faktorer som påverkar upplevelser av hög kvalitet.

Language: svenska

Sara Klingstedt är studiepsykolog vid Helsingfors Universitet, tidigare studiepsykolog vid Åbo Akademi.
Hon har skrivit sin organisationspsykologiska pro gradu-avhandling om upplevelser av hög kvalitet inom studentledd högre utbildning vid Centrum för miljö- och utvecklingsstudier (CEMUS) vid Uppsala Universitet.



Theme 5: Career guidance

Career Management Skills: how can we prepare academics for the future labour market (Karen Lintner and Jesper Sølund, Arts Career, Faculty of Arts, Aarhus University)
Political winds has put student’s Career Management Skills on the agenda for all universities. So how do we prepare the students for the future labor market? Besides open workshops on how to get a job, career counseling and career workshops for specific subjects, Arts Career is working on a project where we help university lecturers integrate CMS didactically in their subjects.

In our workshop, we will unfold our work focusing on this project (in Danish called Didaktisk Udviklingsprojekt). We invite everyone who is either interested in working with CMS or already is working with it to join the workshop to discuss issues on the students commitment, the aspect of career learning, the lecturers commitment, progression in career counselling and at last but not least – does it have any effect.

Language: English

The workshop is presented by Karen Lintner and Jesper Sølund, Arts Career, Faculty of Arts, Aarhus University









Labour market information in Career Guidance (Matias Erlund, Åbo Akademi University and Juha Sainio, University of Turku)
Where do you get labor market information for counselling and how you use it in counselling? In the workshop, we will recognize different sources of labor market information and evaluate their usefulness in student counselling and guidance.
Language: English

Matias ErlundMatias Erlund has been working as a coordinator at Åbo Akademi University Career Services since 2010. Issues of employability have even before that bin of interest. Career counseling, internships and graduate tracking the main issues of work. The lack of usage of graduate tracking draw him closer to the graduate surveys such as “Kandipalaute” Finnish Bachelor’s Graduate Survey and he is also taking part in an EU funded project “LATUA” to improve the usage of graduate surveys in Finland. Matias Erlund is looking for new contacts to discuss good praxis on using survey data for student counseling and education policy making.

Juha Sainio is working as a researcher and a career counsellor at the Career Services, University of Turku. His professional interest is on employability and all the issues related to that. He has over a decade of experience in counselling and he is responsible for the employment questionnaires that University of Turku sends to all graduates. He has also been a member of a working group of the Ministry of Education and Culture, which gave a proposal for including the quality and appropriateness of employment in the funding models of universities. So Juha has both hands-on and strategic views on employability.

Social media competence in providing career services (Jaana Kettunen, University of Jyväskylä and Jónína Kárdal, University of Iceland)
This workshop will explore the evolving role of social media in career services. During the session the information based on recent research will be connected to practice through hands on practical assignments and empirical examples. Concepts and strategies for developing competence and confidence in the effective use of social media in career services are discussed.

Language: English

Jaana Kettunen, University of Jyväskylä
Jaana Kettunen is a Researcher at the Finnish Institute for Educational Research of the University of Jyväskylä, Finland. In her work she has been focusing on the design and pedagogical use of information and communications technology (ICT) in learning and working environments. She has extensive experience in training, supporting and working with practitioners throughout Europe. Her research interest is on the role of ICT and social media in career guidance. It is both theoretical and practical: it aims at the development of theory-based and evidence-informed pedagogical practices. Her current research focuses on the career practitioners´ ways of experiencing and conceptualizing social media in career services, and aspects that are seen as critical in the successful use of these new technologies in career services. Recently her research has also looked in to the ethical practice in social networking and in the role of ICT in relation to national lifelong guidance policies.

Jónína Kárdal, University of Iceland

Jónína Kárdal is a career and guidance counsellor at the University of Iceland Student Counselling and Career Center (UISCCC) in Iceland.  She has vast experience and a demonstrated history of working in higher education.  Jónína has been active in introducing new methods and practices to strengthen the career development services at her university.  She has a special interest in how ICT and information science can play a role in career development and career services. Jónína has actively participated in the training of masters students in guidance and counselling and has supervised the implementation of   ICT training in the curriculum of the masters programme in career and guidance counselling at the University of Iceland.

Theme 6: Networking

Networking – not facilitated – keep an open mind.