Conference program


You can download the program as a pdf-document here: NORSMA9_program

Tuesday 22.5.2018:

9.30 Conference registration and coffee

10.00 Opening of the conference:
Fritjof Sahlström, Dean, Faculty of Education and Welfare Studies, Åbo Akademi University
Arne Engström, NORSMA scientific committee, Karlstad University, Sweden

10.30-12.00 Paper presentations 1 (3 parallel sessions)

12.00-13.00 Lunch

13.00-14.30 Paper presentations 2 (3 parallel sessions)

14.30-15.00 Coffee

15.00-16.15 Keynote 1: Bert De Smedt

19.00 Conference Dinner

Wednesday 23.5.2018:

9.00-10.00 Keynote 2: Pirjo Aunio

10.00-10.15 Coffee

10.15-11.45 Paper presentations 3 (3 parallel sessions)

11.45-12.00 Closing of the conference

12.00-13.00 Lunch


Paper sessions 1: Tuesday (22.5) 10.30-12.00

Session 1A, room F606

The role of the working memory and language skills in the prediction of arithmetic skills, and word problem solving at kindergarten and second grade
Kyttälä FIN

The effects of explicit instruction intervention in K-2 students with low performance
Aunio FIN

The connection of student’s arithmetic skills in 5th grade with student self-assessment and teacher assessment of students’ emotional and behavioral strengths in 5th, 6th, and 9th Grades
Hakkarainen FIN

Dimensionality of math anxiety and its longitudinal associations with math performance in adolescent students
Korhonen FIN

Session 1B, room C302

Pedagogical tactfulness – relational study about the incalculable in mathematics teaching
Ljungblad SWE

The nature of knowing in relation to students in need of special education in mathematics
Roos SWE

Universal Design for Assessment (UDA) in Undergraduate University Mathematics: Comparing Access and Target Skills Between Digital Self-Assessment and Traditional Course Exam
Nieminen FIN

Special need teacher’s descriptions and the relationship between educational objectives
Johnsen NOR

Session 1C, room D406

Sosiometrisesti suosittujen, torjuttujen, ristiriitaisten, huomiotta jätettyjen ja keskimääräisten lasten väliset erot käyttäytymisen ja tunne-elämän vahvuuksissa.
Rytioja FIN

Pathways to educational aspirations
Widlund FIN

Cognitive Profiles Predicting Reading and Arithmetic Skills at Grade 1 and at Grade 7
Korpipää FIN

Session 2A, room F606

Enhancement of SFON and cardinality related skills at day care
Hannula-Sormunen FIN

Baseline assessment: Effects of cognitive skills and parental SES to the number
Räsänen FIN

Early identification of risk of arithmetical difficulties
Reikerås NOR

Addition and subtraction skills of Norwegian and Finnish third graders Mononen NOR

Session 2B, room C302

Students in mathematical difficulties – teachers and students about low performance
Karlsson SWE

Students attaining low results in mathematics
Dalvang NOR

Resources for competence building in Norway
Olaug Ellen Lona Svingen NOR

Inclusion and student collaboration in the classroom
Mette Lykke Krogh DEN

Formative Assessment from Special Education Teachers’ perspective
Andersson SWE

Session 2C, room D406

Grade 1, 4 and 7 students’ comprehensions strategies when reading their mathematics textbook
Segerby SWE

Developing Dysfunctional Arithmetic Methods When Playing an iPad game
Rietz SWE

Differences in learning outcome between low achievement pupils in mathematics with, versus without, special needs education
Skorpen NOR

Dyscalculia interview as bridge between neurocognition and mathematics education
Lindeskov DEN


Paper sessions 3: Wednesday (23.5) 10.30-12.00

Session 3A, room F606

How are arithmetic skills in the four operations related for boys and girls
Sunde DEN

Change and stability in the Mathematical Performing Groups in Grade One
Hellstrand FIN

Developmental Profiles in Mathematics of Students with ID in Inclusive Classrooms
Schnepel SUI

Improving numeracy skills in low-performing first graders: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Lopez-Pedersen NOR

Session 3B, room C302

Reciprocal predictions between interest, self-efficacy, and performance during an inductive reasoning task
Niemivirta FIN

Early identification of reading and writing difficulties
Risberg FIN

Behavioral Executive Functions and arithmetic fluency in primary school children
Husberg FIN

How schooling affects Spontaneous Focusing on Numerosity and arithmetical skill
Nanu FIN

Session 3C, room D406

Les Misérables – Elever med mycket låga prestationer i matematik
Engström SWE

Pedagogical Relational Teachership, PeRT – A multi-relational perspective
Ljungblad SWE

What happens when… everyone counts
Vennberg SWE

A Decade of Mathematics Education and Dis/abilities Research: Directions for Future