The 29th Nordic Workshop on Interorganizational Research

23-25 April 2025

Åbo Akademi University, Turku, Finland

The purpose of the workshop is to stimulate discussions among Ph.D. students and scholars within the area of interorganizational research. The workshop provides an excellent opportunity for participants to present and discuss their research papers in a constructive and supportive environment. The workshop welcomes empirical and conceptual research papers or work-in-progress papers from Ph.D. students, post doc researchers and faculty members

Byggnadsexteriör i Toronto, Kanada

Call for papers

The workshop covers all types of interorganizational relationships, including business relationships, networks, ecosystems, industry clusters, supply chains and value chains. Examples of relevant themes:

Sustainability and CE

Digitalization and AI

Change and resilience

Power and trust


Managing and strategizing

Cooperation and competition

Regionalization and internationalization

Time and space

Methodology for studying interorganizational relationships

Important deadlines

Submission of abstract – 15 Feb 2025

Notification of acceptance – 25 Feb 2025

Deadline for registration – 5 March 2025

Deadline for payment

of registration fee – 5 March 2025

Deadline of full paper – 4 April 2025


Abstracts should be maximum 300 words, excl. author information.

The abstracts should contain the following information on all authors: name, affiliation, address, e-mail and phone number.

Submission to:

Full paper

Papers should be uploaded in a PDF format.

Set the A4-page margins to 2.54 cm all the way around.

For the body text use Times New Roman, size 12, 1,5 line spacing.

For headings use Times New Roman, size 12, centred, capitals.

Use the Harvard Citation Style.

The bibliography should be listed in alphabetical order at the end of the paper.




Starts: 14:00, 23 April 2025

Ends: 13:00, 25 April 2025


To be announced later.


The registration fee will not be more than 300€ and includes participation in the Workshop, lunches, coffee and dinners.

Registration and payment information will appear here in November 2024.


There are a lot of hotels about 1km from the conference venue. We recommend Scandic Julia where you can book a room from with a discount by using the code CCON.

Reasons to join the workshop

  • It is much cheaper to attend the workshop compared to most conferences
  • Each paper is given 40 minutes of attention
  • The feedback that you get is relevant and helps you develop your paper
  • Excellent forum for post doc researchers and faculty members to help Ph.D. students-
  • Two discussants are allocated to each paper
  • Great possibilities for socializing and networking
  • A supportive and constructive atmosphere

The venue

  • Åbo Akademi University, Tuomiokirkontori 3, 20500 Turku
  • The workshop venue is ARKEN, Tehtaankatu 2, 20500
  • ARKEN is a stunning building complex between the Aura River and the university campus area contains, among other things, an auditorium, atmospheric courtyard and a pleasant café.

The organizing team

  • Wojciech Czakon, Jagellonian University, Poland
  • Susanne Åberg, Uppsala University, Sweden
  • Annika Laine-Kronberg, Åbo Akademi University, Finland, chair
  • Morten H. Abrahamsen, BI Norwegian Business School, Norway
  • Mads Bruun Ingstrup, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
