
To register, please follow this link to fill out the registration form:

There is no separate registration fee. However, in order to register, you must have paid your NISN membership fee (or that for another region covered by the network’s umbrella organization, EFACIS). NISN membership is open to scholars, teachers, and other interested individuals from all parts of the world and is a requirement for giving papers at conferences organised by NISN. The membership fee amounts to 50 euros (or equivalent amount in Sterling or Scandinavian currency) and 10 for bank charges – a total of 60 euros for 2021. For students: 30 euros. If you would like to pay for future years, just time 50 (30) by the number of years for which you would like to sign up. After the transaction, please send your postal address for snail mail to the NISN treasurer Ruben Moi at

Please make use of the details below:

ACCOUNT NO.: 60311256001
IBAN: NO9560311256001
BANK: Nordea Bank Abp, filial i Norge, Nordea Bank Abp, filial i Norge, Essendrops gate 7, 0368 Oslo Postadresse: Postboks 1166 Sentrum, 0107 Oslo

Members are entitled to excellent benefits in addition to supporting the research exchange, conferences and networking in the field of Irish studies. Members can give papers at our conferences and submit their work to be considered for publication in the Nordic Irish Studies journal (NIS and our book projects. NISN members are also automatically enlisted as members of the European Federation of Associations and Centres for Irish Studies (EFACIS), and receive free copies of both the NIS journal and books published in the EFACIS series “Irish Studies in Europe”. For more details on NISN, please visit our website: