Abstract submission

Submit your abstract to NORSMA9 through this form


Submission formats for NORSMA 2018 and  the National Learning and Learning Difficulties conference:

  • Paper presentation
    • Paper sessions are oral presentations of three to four papers, followed by a discussion with the audience. Each presenter is given 20 minutes to present a clear argument, preferably based on empirical data. If you wish to suggest a symposium, please contact the conference organizers.
  • Short oral presentation
    • The short oral presentation is a format suitable for beginning researchers. The format is otherwise similar to the paper presentation but limited to 10 minutes for the presentation.
  • Developmental work
    • Developmental work sessions are suitable for presenting developmental work in the domain of special needs education. Each presenter is given 20 minutes to present their work, followed by discussion with the audience.


Please submit a summary of your work no longer than 300-600 words for a paper presentation, and no longer than 200-400 words for a short oral presentation or developmental work presentation.