


16 DECEMBER 2024.




The deadline for submitting abstracts for papers and/or panel proposals is 16 December 2024. Paper proposals should be no more than 250 words, and panel proposals no more than 500 words. The submission(s) will be reviewed by the conference’s organizing committee and should be sent to one of the following email addresses:

NAES email:        info-naes@abo.fi




Proposals for individual 20-minute presentations or panels/roundtables (3 speakers) should be sent by email to info-efacis@abo.fi by 16 December 2024.

Proposals should include: name(s), institutional affiliation(s), paper title(s), a 250-word abstract and a brief biographical note of up to 50 words for each participant. (Three speaker panels may allow 200 words for the overall proposal, 200 words for each speaker’s abstract, and 50 words for each individual biography.) Panel/roundtable proposals should also identify the contact person for the entire session. Speakers should be fully paid-up members of EFACIS.

The organisers accept proposals and papers in either the Irish or English language. / Cuirtear fáilte roimh pháipéir i nGaeilge nó i mBéarla.

EFACIS email:     info-efacis@abo.fi