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Below, you will find answers to the most common questions about participating in this study. If you have a question not listed here, please contact us via email (firp@abo.fi).

General questions:

1.Who can participate? 

  • Anyone over 18 years old! We are recruiting both single people and individuals in romantic relationships. You need to have a smartphone with either Android or iOS (iPhone) as operating system to participate.

2. What is the timeline for the study?

  • The study has three steps: Step 1 is an initial questionnaire about background information. Step 2 involves answering daily questions for two to four months. Step 3 is a concluding questionnaire, and at this point, you also have the opportunity to receive your personal feedback profile. More detailed information is available under the tab ”About the research”.

3. What do I gain from participating in the study?

  • At the end of the study or when you choose to discontinue your participation, you have the opportunity to receive a personalized feedback profile based on your responses during the study. This profile provides insight into your well-being and relationships. The more days you answer the daily questions, the more information you can obtain in your personalized feedback profile. If you complete the daily forms until the end of the study (at least 100 answered questionnaires + the follow-up form), you will also receive a 25€ gift card to R-kioski.

4. What if I want to discontinue the study?

  • You have the right to withdraw your participation at any time during the study. You can withdraw by choosing ”drop out of the study” in Ethica (Avicenna). You will then have the opportunity to receive the data you have provided so far, but depending on the duration of your participation, creating a personal feedback profile is not guaranteed, as profiles require data over longer intervals to be descriptive.

5. I’m unsure how to interpret and answer one or more questions?

  • If a question is unclear or if you are unsure how to answer a question, interpret the question yourself and answer it the same way throughout the study. When you receive your personal feedback profile, you will know how to interpret it. If you cannot find a way to answer a question, contact the research group and we will assist you!

6. Question X is not relevant to me; what should I do?

  • If a question is not relevant to you, you can choose to skip that question on certain days or every day, depending on what feels most suitable.

7. What happens if I break up with my partner during the study?

  • Unfortunately, you must withdraw your participation in the study, but you still have the opportunity to receive your data if you wish.

8. What happens if I start a romantic relationship during the study?

  • Starting a romantic relationship does not hinder your participation in the study. You can continue to answer the questions as usual.

9. Can I participate even if I am in a long-distance relationship?

  • Yes, you can. You can answer the questions based on your own situation as long as you interpret the questions the same way every time you answer them.

10. Can I participate even if I am in a polyamorous relationship?

  • Yes, you can, but choose one of your relationships to base your answers on when responding to the questions.

11. Where can I turn if the study triggers negative thoughts and/or feelings in me?

  • Remember that it is normal to experience variations in well-being and relationships and does not necessarily indicate a problem.

Data protection:

12. Who has access to my data?

  • Only the project managers Jeremia Sjöblom and Martin Lagerström will have access to your data in its entirety. Pseudonymized group data may be shared within the research group or with others in accordance with Open Science guidelines. It will not be possible to identify individuals based on this group data.

13. How long is my data stored?

  • Your data will be stored on the Avicenna research app during the study. Your personal data will be handled only by the study’s main researchers (Jeremia Sjöblom and Martin Lagerström) and will be treated with complete confidentiality. As soon as it is no longer necessary to connect your personal data to your email, we will make the data pseudonymous by deleting your email information. After completion of the study, your data will be deleted from the Avicenna research app, and the research material will then be stored on a closed server at Åbo Akademi University. At the end of the study, the research material is archived at Åbo Akademi University.

14. Why do I have to provide certain personal information?

  • To participate in the study, you need to register with Ethica (Avicenna), and as part of this, you need to provide an email address. If you wish to receive your data at the end of the study, you also need to specify to which email address you want your data sent. You can provide different email addresses for registration and for receiving your data.

Ethica (Avicenna):

15. What if I miss the form for one or more days?

  • It is okay if you miss occasional days; just continue filling out the forms the next time you have the opportunity. If many questionnaires remain unanswered, it may affect the information you can receive in your personal feedback profile.

16. I don’t receive Ethica (Avicenna) notifications; what do I do?

  • Review that the app has permission to send notifications to you under ”Settings > Notifications”. If you’re unable to resolve the issue, please contact the research team.

17. What if I get a new phone?

  • Contact the research group via email (firp@abo.fi), and we will assist you in how to use the app again.

18. I forgot my login details for Ethica (Avicenna); what do I do?

  • Ethica (Avicenna) keeps you logged into the app throughout the study. If you still get logged out, use the ”I forgot my password” feature in the app. If the problems persist, contact the research group.

19. Can I change the time when the notification comes?

  • No, you cannot change the time when the notification arrives. However, you can answer the questions between 9:00 PM and 4:00 AM, meaning you don’t have to respond immediately when you receive the notification. It also doesn’t matter if you happen to miss a couple of days; just continue filling out the forms when you have the opportunity.

20. Will I receive notifications even if I don’t have an internet connection?

  • Yes! Once you have started, you do not need an internet connection to receive the questions. It’s good to be connected occasionally to allow your data to sync, but it is not required for the questionnaires and notifications to work.

21. Can I go on a trip (change time zones) while participating in the study?

  • Yes! The forms are sent out according to the time zone you are in.

22. I could not change the settings as Ethica (Avicenna) instructed me; what do I do?

  • If you still receive notifications for the daily forms at 9:00 PM, you don’t need to do anything. If you don’t get the notifications, see points 16 above. If you cannot resolve the issue, contact the research group (firp@abo.fi).