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Welcome to the website of the Interpersonal Relationships study (FIRP, Finnish Interpersonal Relationships Project) . It’s a study lasting up to four months about relationships and well-being. The research investigates the daily dynamics of well-being and relationships using a mobile app.

For whom? Anyone over 18 years old who owns a smartphone with either Android or iOS (iPhone) as operating system can participate. You will receive different questions depending on whether you are single or in a romantic relationship.

How? By downloading the Ethica (Avicenna) app and answering questions about your daily experiences every evening for up to four months. For clear instructions on how to register,  click here.

Why? At the end of the study, you will receive a feedback profile based on your data, which can contribute to self-reflection and self-awareness regarding your own well-being and/or relationship. If you complete the study, you will also receive a €25 gift card to R-kioski (where you can buy other gift cards, event tickets, etc.). Additionally, you are contributing to research!

If you would like to read more about the study, click here.

Example profile

Below you can see two examples of what the profile could display. The profile will contain more information than these two examples, and in addition to the graphs, you will also receive information on how to interpret the profile.

In example 1, you see your daily variation in happiness during the course of the study, along with a blue trendline indicating that your average happiness increased during the last month of the study. The red circles indicate the days when you reported the highest happiness. On those days you were also more physically active and less lonely than usual. The blue circles indicate the days when you reported the lowest happiness. On those days you were also more tired and more stressed than usual.

In example two, you see your average responses to different questions during week 6 of the study. You were happier and more inspired than usual during that week.

NOTE! The profiles are still a work in progress, and these examples may not necessarily correspond to the final profile.