Welcome to the DUTAR WP3 workshop sessions in Turku!

Welcome to the DUTAR WP3 workshop sessions! During the workshop session, you will have the opportunity to familiarize yourself with XR and various VR applications that we have prepared for you. During the workshop, you will also have the opportunity to discuss XR with the work group and other members of the reference group.

Register to one of the following dates:

  • Tuesday 05.03.2024 – Morning 10-12
  • Tuesday 19.03.2024 – Afternoon 13–15
  • Thursday 21.03.2024 – Morning 10-12

Registration: https://forms.office.com/e/z3Wpy7NK6r

The workshop sessions in Turku will be organized in the XR lab, located in the basement of the C-staircase of the ASA building.

Preliminary agenda:

  • Introduction to the workshop and DUTAR status report.
  • VR session 1: Tour of the virtual museum ”Anne Frank House” or the immersive game ”What The Bat?”.
  • VR session 2: Virtual Speech, where you can individually try to give a presentation in English to an audience of AI avatars. Please think about a topic you want to talk about in advance. We will also present how VirtualSpeech can be used in courses.
  • Short break with coffee and snacks
  • VR session 3: The virtual collaboration platform Glue, where we start exploring themes for the group discussions.
  • Group discussions. What applications would you like to acquire, test, or use in your subject?

During the group discussions and after the session, there are also possibilities to try out other VR applications we have prepared.

See you at the workshop!
Work group for DUTAR Work Package 3


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