Welcome to the first reference group meeting for work package 3 of the DUTAR project!

The meeting will be held on Monday December 4th 2023 at 11:00-12 on Zoom, https://aboakademi.zoom.us/j/65873004294.

The meeting will be held in English.

Work package 3 is about enabling teaching in virtual environments with a special focus on virtual and mixed reality (VR, AR, MR).

We have made two short introductory videos that we would like you to watch before the meeting (the videos will be published in week 47):

  • Video 1 – Objectives of the project
  • Video 2 – VR in practice and use

1. About the project: General, status, next steps
2. Inspirational lecture by Eva Mårell-Olsson: Immersive learning processes – pedagogical perspectives on the use of XR (30 min).
3. Roles of the stakeholders (working group and reference group)

Best regards,
Tobias Andtfolk, IT-project Manager on behalf of the DUTAR WP3 Project group