Recently a few of us sat down and discussed various ways we could communicate things on and around the DUTAR project.
So we have a couple of ideas in the pipeline:
Gather user stories & ideas on campus
We’ll put up a posters on campus, probably focusing on places where people tend to gather and wait (also known as queueing for lunch), inviting the onlooker to share thoughts and ideas on the future of education.

This ties in neatly with the workshops already being conducated by Work Package 1. Please see this earlier post for a full run down on the various Work Packages.
A podcast on experiences from other universities
We’re not out to invent the wheel here, but rather to see if there’s a type of wheel that can fit the ÅAU wagon (or racing car, if you prefer). There are teachers and researchers already out there, at other HEIs, that are willing to share their thoughts and experiences with us. We could talk with them, and at the same time record a series of podcasts, letting all of you in on the conversation.
A short series of short films
While we could talk for hours on end about DUTAR, we also know that people are in a hurry. Someone said that the magic number for movies on social media is 27 seconds. That’s a bit of a high bar, so we’ll try to keep ourselves to 10–15 minutes.
Movies we’re thinking of doing are on what user stories we’ve allready collected, on the chemistry course that’s currently using VR to train students in proper lab techniques, the Digivision pilot currently happening, involving teachers at FNT, and a presentation on the VR platform Glue, currently being used internally to showcase various VR environment and possibilities.

But wait, there’s more
The DUTAR project will be presented in different shapes and forms to various shareholders along the way. We want to tailor our message for our audience. What would you like to know about DUTAR? And how? While we cannot promise a song & dance number, most other avenues of communication are open. Let us know via