Welcome to DUTAR project blog!

Welcome to DUTAR project blog!

DUTAR stands for Digitalisation of education for accessibility, attractiveness and relevance. DUTAR consists of 5 work packages (WP), which all are lead as separate projects, following Åbo Akademi’s official project model. Each WP has its own project owner, project manager and project group. The work is financed by strategic funding from Ministry of Education and Culture.

The DUTAR project creates and further develops a technical and operational comprehensive platform that offers solutions for different forms of learning to support students’ learning , as well as provides educational planners and teachers with appropriate tools and support to effectively create and deliver digital or hybrid courses and educational packages to different target groups.

Work Package 1: Development of pervasive use cases

This work package produces and collects the requirements and specifications the other work packages need in the concrete implementation of tools, premises and support services. The planned deliverables for this WP are

  • A summary of the needs of different target audiences for digitization and virtualization of learning
  • Defined user needs for the creation and maintenance of digital and virtual courses
  • Other requirement specifications for the creation of digital and virtual teaching materials

Work Package 2: Platform for the production of digital teaching materials

This work package builds the physical studio premises, provides them with suitable hardware and software equipment, as well as support services. The planned deliverables for this WP are

  • Media studio for the creation and editing of digital course material
  • Software platform for the creation of digital teaching materials
  • Trainings, guides, support materials and support services for personnel creating digital teaching materials

Work Package 3: Development of teachers’ capabilities and skills to teach in virtual environments

This work package futher develops the teaching possibilities in VR/XR lab. Focus is on upgrading the premises, technology and simulations implemented in the earlier project. The planned deliverables for this WP are

  • A model for utilizing VR/XR technologies in education at Åbo Akademi university
  • An upgrade of the existing XR lab in Turku, building of a new XR lab in Vaasa
  • Training packages, guides, support materials and support services model for users of the VR/XR labs

Work Package 4: Integration of complementary virtual location-independent campus spaces

This work package develops a description of technical best practices and examples for virtualization of certain campus environments based on the piloting. The long-term goal is to be able to further develop certain virtual environments as integrated parts of Åbo Akademi’s digital production environment. Planned deliverables for this WP are

  • Documentation of technical best-practices and examples for virtualisation of campus environments
  • Pilots of virtual campus spaces, which are later further developed as integral parts of the digital production environment

Work Package 5: Adapting Åbo Akademi University’s existing physical spaces for the new educational solutions

This project is the last WP of the DUTAR project. This WP will adjust the remaining physical teaching premises to meet the requirements and the same quality criteria for digital teaching methods as the newer premises. The planned deliverables of this WP are

  • Needs assessment and detailed plan for the upgrade of existing and new spaces.
  • Updated teaching and media recording spaces and related support model.


What’s the purpose of DUTAR project blog?

This blog is used to communicate relevant topics around DUTAR project. Any of the project group members can blog at any time. Blogging is a part of the DUTAR project communication plan. We use several alternative communication channels to reach all relevant audiences, such as project stakeholders, personnel and students.

The topics in this blog vary from common project status updates to project event invitations. Feel free to propose any DUTAR topics you would like to learn more about, we will be happy to blog about them!






DUTAR project applies SAFe framework


What is SAFe and why do we apply it in DUTAR project?

Many of you working with software projects are familiar with SAFe (Scaled Agile Framework) methods, but they might seem distant to other personnel. SAFe is commonly applied for managing work for any larger business programs or projects, specifically such that consist of several sub-projects that need to be synchronized.

SAFe is already in use in several Finnish universities, also the Digivision2030 program applies SAFe. Each organization typically has its own customized version of SAFe, implementations vary from using the basic terminology to building complete organizations based on the roles and rituals defined in SAFe. SAFe is declared to be the world’s most trusted system for business agility today.

What does this mean in practice and how can I get involved with the project?

The project groups plan the deliverables quarterly, in so-called increments (PI, program increment). The intention is to deliver concrete value at the end of each increment. Increments are typically 8-12 weeks long, and in DUTAR we apply 12 weeks increments. Increment delivers incremental value based on a common goal after a fixed period of time. The intention with this approach is to produce complete usable deliverables, instead of getting started with several tasks without completing any of them within the increment.

The produced value is presented in so called increment demo sessions, which are open to anyone, mandatory for relevant stakeholders. The intention with the demo sessions is to present the results, ask for feedback and guidance, and gather input for planning the next increment. Participating in the demo sessions is an efficient way to be involved in DUTAR project. The sessions are announced in intranet and the enrollment is done via OSS system. The first sessions will be published later during autumn 2023.

More information about DUTAR project will follow on this blogsite shortly! -Päivi

PS. If you are interested in learning more about SAFe, visit Scaled Agiles pages.